CHAP. 10

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   After the break, everyone tried their best to go on about business as if nothing had happened.  (Y/n) continued her studies with Meeks. She also started spending more time with the boys individually.

   Pitts and her made plans to go for a walk. She drove to a park a few miles away from Welton. They both got out and made their way onto a stone path. (Y/n) took it upon herself to make sure everyone was okay. 

   She linked her arm with his as they walked along the path. "It's nice out today." "What do you mean? It's chilly." She smiles. "It's not windy though. That makes it nice."

   "Think it'll snow?" She shrugs. "Maybe." How could she get him to loosen up?

   (Y/n) stops walking. She looks around before setting her eyes on an unoccupied play-set. She drags Pitts with her as she runs to it. "What are we doing?" She drops his hand as the starts to climb the latter connected to the slide. "We're playing!" "This is for kids, come on."

   "I don't see a sign saying 'TEENS STAY OFF OF PLAYGROUND'. Do you?" She pulls herself up to the top of the slide before sitting and sliding down. He doesn't move. "Oh, come on. Don't be boring, Pittsie!" She runs over and shakes his shoulders. "I'm not boring." "I didn't say you were. I said 'don't be'." She slides past him. She starts to climb the jungle-gym.

   He watches her. "That's metal and it's cold. You'll get sick." She groans. "No I won't. Release your inner child, Pittsie!" He makes his way over, standing in front of her as she clings to the bars overhead. She suddenly lets go, dropping down. Pitts instinctively grabs her waist, trying to steady her. (Y/n) looks up at him, their faces only a few inches apart. "You've really got to relax." She grins before pulling away and running to the swings. He hesitantly follows her.

   Climbing onto the swing, she starts kicking her feet. "Let me." Pitts comes up behind her, placing his hands on her back. He starts to push her. Once she gets high enough, He gets on his own swing, joining in.

   After a few hours, they return back to Welton, noses red and sniffling.


2 weeks into the spring semester

   Word that Neil was coming back began to circulate through the school. Most of the students were under the impression that he was in a car crash. The Dead Poets thought they didn't need the details.

   (Y/n) sat on the edge of the bridge between the East and West Wings. She looks up from her books when she feels two arms wrap themselves around her shoulders. "...Neil?"

   "In the flesh." She quickly turns and stands, pulling the brunette into a tight hug. He picks her up, spinning her. "You're back! God, you're back!" They both laugh.

   He sets her down. "Wait, have the others seen you yet?" He shakes his head. "Then come on!" She takes his hand in hers and pulls him into the school. 

   The boys all sit in the lounge, working on homework or talking. (Y/n) opens the door. They all look at her. "Everyone. I have a most fantastic surprise for you all."

   "Girls?" She rolls her eyes. "No. Even better, Dalton." Just then, Neil enters the room. The boys all jump up and run to him. "Good god, he's back!!" They all exchange hugs. "How're you feeling, Neil?" Todd asks. "Better. A lot better." He smiles that smile (Y/n) likes so much.


   Everyone huddles into the cave. "It's freezing!" Charlie rolls his eyes. "No shit, Cameron." (Y/n) hands him the blanket she brought. He thanks her. She takes a seat next to Todd and Knox. "Let's get this started."

   Neil stands and opens the book. "Lady and Gentlemen, I hereby reconvene the Dead Poets Society" They all whoop and holler. They all begin to chant the meeting opening. 

   "I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life. To put to rout all that was not life; and not, when I had come to die, discover that I had not lived." 

   They spent the night celebrating the return of their friend.


   "Mr. Perry, please take a seat." Neil takes a seat in the chair adjacent to Mr. Nolan. "I have a few questions for you. But first, I'd like to welcome you back." "Thank you, sir."

   "Let's get on with it. Would you say that Mr. Keating's methods of teaching are,  perhaps, unorthodox?" "They're definitely unusual, but very beneficial to my and his other students' education."

   "How has his encouraging you to be a 'free-thinker' benefit you? Considering your…situation, it seems that it's only done you more harm than good." Neil bites the inside of his cheek. "My 'situation' is the result of a conflict between my father and I. Mr. Keating had nothing to do with it. "

   "But wasn't it Mr. Keating who encouraged you to pursue acting, despite your father being against it." Neil shakes his head. "Mr. Keating was under the impression that I had gotten my father's approval. He only encouraged me to be honest. I made the decision to disobey him."

   Mr. Nolan wasn't getting the answers he was looking for. "(Y/n) Keating. You know her?" "Yes, sir." Mr. Nolan nods. "She has been quite pleasant, I presume." 

   "I suppose so." "You know Welton has always been an all-male school, absent of women. Would you say that her presence has been a distraction to you or your fellow classmates?"

   "Not in the slightest, sir."

   Mr. Nolan sighs as he puts on his reading glasses. "Here I have a paper stating that Mr. Keating's unorthodox teaching methods are unfit for Welton. If you sign it, we will be able to remove Mr. Keating from the staff to ensure that no other student finds himself in your place." He slides the paper over to Neil.

   "As I already said, sir, Mr. Keating is not at fault." "Just sign the paper, Mr. Perry." Neil stands. "I cannot sign a statement that I do not agree with. And you cannot make me. I thank you for allowing my return to Welton. Good day, sir." He turns on his heels and leaves, not giving Mr. Nolan another second of his time.


   Pitts, Neil, Knox, Meeks, Todd, and Charlie all stand in Charlie's room, trying to comfort (Y/n). "What if he says something that gets him fired? My dad would be heartbroken, and- and I'd have to leave." 

   "He won't say anything." Meeks tries to reassure her. "Bullshit, he's in there finking right now." "Not helping, Charlie." Neil shakes his head. Todd wraps his arms around (Y/n).

   Suddenly the door opens and in walks Cameron with an innocent smile on his face. "What's going on, guys?" Charlie steps forward. "You finked, didn't you, Cameron?" Cameron tilts his head. "Finked? I don't know what the hell you're talking about."

   "You told Nolan everything about the club and Keating is what I'm talking about." Cameron steps forward in defence. "Look, in case you hadn't heard, Dalton. There's an honor code at the school. If a teacher asks you a question, you tell the truth or you're expelled!" Just like that, Charlie snapped. He hurled himself at Cameron, but Meeks and Knox held him back. He tried to calm down.

   "Just look at (Y/n), Cameron. You spill a bunch of bullshit about Keating, it's not just him you're hurting. It's her too."

   Cameron shakes his head. "If you guys are smart, you'll do exactly what I did!" Charlie dragged his hand over his face. "You little-." He throws a punch directly into Cameron's nose, knocking him to the ground.

   He wipes the blood dripping from his nose, head pounding. "You just signed your expulsion papers, Nuwanda." Cameron wobbles to his feet and leaves.

   (Y/n) can't stop the tears from falling. "They're going to send me back! I don't want to leave!" She clings to Todd's shirt. Knox rubs her back. "We'll fix this. We will."

Author's note:

Cameron is a rat. We been known this. 

🐌Fink Energy🐌

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