Kang family: Almost [Part 2]

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Seulgi changed a lot after she was left alone by her family. She is still unable to contact her wife and daughters. She used to ask Yongsun but she end up received murderous glare from her. Starting from that moment, she never asks again. She also stopped going out with her flings. She only focuses on her work and searching for her family. She not giving up on them

"Seul, you're zoning out. Something wrong somewhere?" Moonbyul sit across to Seulgi at the cafeteria

"Nothing wrong, unnie"

"Still thinking about your family?"


Moonbyul folded her arms on the table "I don't know where they are now but they are fine. I tried to ask my wife about them but she is not telling me. I just heard a bit from Eunbi since she often meet with Wendy"

"What should I do to bring them back, unnie? I feel hopeless now" Seulgi said weakly

"Hold on for a while okay? Soon you will find a way to settle your problem"

"I don't know if I have a chance to meet them. Sooyoung obviously hates me, not to mention their mother. I worry about Yerim. Usually she will get sick if we are apart from each other for too long. I miss my family" Seulgi vision blurred by tears

"Don't lose hope. Sooner or later you will meet them" Moonbyul paused "If you want them back, make sure you are not repeating the same mistake. No playing around anymore. If only they give you chance but you still the old Seulgi, I bet it will be the last time you see them"

Seulgi remains silent as she registers what Moonbyul just said to her. Moonbyul continued after no response from her friend "You're silent, do you not agree with me? You don't want to quit cheating? If you still want to enjoy your life then just continue but don't expect your family to return to you. You're greedy, don't you realize it? You want to enjoy yourself with random women and at the same time you want to keep your family. If there is no more love for them, set them free. Irene unnie and the girls deserve someone who can protect them. Someone that they can rely on and always be there whenever they need. If you can't do that then it's better to stop looking for them"

Moonbyul sighs heavily "We're not getting young, Seul. We will need our kids to take care of us. We're not always on top. Now you might not need your daughters but when you need them, you will see the value of your family. Remember the day you took Irene unnie as your wife. You do not marry her just because she is pretty and smart but you want to start a family with her. You vow to protect her until you die but what happens now? All you do is break her heart. Not only hers but 4 hearts in total. Imagine if that thing happened to your daughters? Would you like it if their husband or wife were cheating on them every now and then? Remember that no one protects the girls if not you. You don't have a son. No one is replacing you to lead the family. Unnie can protect the girls but how much she can do compared to you? You are the husband in your marriage so it is your responsibility to protect them. You're lucky that Irene unnie did not cheat back. If she does, I bet she will find a better person than you. Believe me, she has everything that men want in their wife. While you're not appreciating your wife, there are a bunch of men queuing up to replace you. You're a loser, Seul"

"I regret it, unnie" Seulgi shed tears

"You always said that when things turn upside down but see what happens now?"

"I really regret it. I want my family back" Seulgi wiping her tears with tissue

"Don't stop searching for them and beg for their forgiveness. Unnie not sending divorce papers, right?"


"That means you still have a chance. Don't give up" Moonbyul tapping Seulgi hand "Let's go back to work"

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