I'm yours

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Irene locking her shop after her staff going home. She run a coffee shop and it close on 8 PM. After done locking the door, she turned right and saw the owner of stir fried pork restaurant busy mopping the floor. She greet him as usual

"Ahjussi, not go home yet?" she asked in friendly manner

"Not yet, we will go home after done cleaning. You're going now?" the middle-aged man asked back

"Yes ahjussi" Irene nodded her head "Say goodnight to ahjumma and unnie"

"Okay, will tell them later. Drive safely"

"Okay uncle"

On her way to her car that parked in front of her shop, she saw unfamiliar car parked just few meters away from hers. That surely not belongs to her neighbor because they park their car at the back of their shop. Usually the parking lot is clear at night because almost all shops at their block will close except for convenient store that open 24 hours. That store also at the other end of their block and the parking is empty when she takes a look from her shop. Why would the car owner will park their car that far when there is vacant parking lot in front of that store.

The ahjussi voice startling her and bring her back from her zoning out "Irene-ssi, what's wrong?"

"Err...ahjussi, whose car is that? Usually this area is empty at this hour" Irene frowning

"If I'm not mistaken that car owner is last customer of my restaurant. She just left about 30 minutes ago. I don't know why she is still here" the man also wondering why that car not leaving yet

"Is she look suspicious or something?" Irene getting worry if that person spying on their shops

"I don't think so. She is so nice and friendly. Her face looked innocent"

"Ayy ahjussi, sometimes face can deceive us"

"Hmm, she eats at my restaurant not only tonight but since 2 nights ago if I'm not mistaken and she always the last customer. This is first time she stays after eating"

Irene think for solution and she getting curious. Why on earth that girl staying outside without purpose?

"Shall I check on her?" Irene looking at her neighbor

"Is it okay? What if she is dangerous?"

"I want to know why she is here. Either she dangerous or not, we have to know it. She won't hangs out here for no reason"

"You're right, do you want company?"

"You better stay here just in case she is dangerous. I will send you a signal. If I give OK sign, that's mean she is safe. If I send an X, you call police quickly" Irene makes a plan with the ahjussi

"Okay but make sure you be careful"

"Okay ahjussi"

Irene walk to her car to drop her stuff then she nervously walk to the target. She knocks the car window slowly but not getting any responds. Then she looking at ahjussi again, he asks her to try again and she do it. This time she saw a movement like someone wake up startling. Window slowly rolled down revealing the owner rubbing her eyes and yawning hard

"Yes ma'am~" the bear-like girl asked groggily while lean her head at the head rest. Her eyes still half-close

"May I know what are you doing here?"

"I borrow parking lot to sleep"

"Why do you sleep here?"

"I don't have home"

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