You'll always be my love

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Bae mansion

Bae Irene is a daughter and sole heiress of successful businessman in Korea. After graduate from university, she joined her father company. Currently she is leading RV Group of Companies as Managing Director. Her parent is proud of her and they have good relationship with each other. Even they are busy working; they will have time to spend at home and bonding. Irene is close with her cousins, Park Chorong and Jung Eunji. All of them are only child in their family so they spend time a lot when they are free.

After done dress up, Irene go downstairs to have breakfast. Before she go to dining table, she head out to front door

"Good morning Mr. Kang!" she greet her driver with cheerful voice

"Aigooo, good morning Ms. Bae, are you done?" Mr. Kang reply with fatherly smile as he stop wiping the car

"Not yet, I still need to breakfast"

"Oh, I thought you will go early today"

"I will go to office with Chorong so you don't need to drive me. Only send my food later in the afternoon then pick me up in the evening"

"Okay, since you don't need me this morning, I will send this car to service center later"

"Alright, appa already give you money for the service?"

"Yes, he gave me yesterday"

"Okay then, see you later"

Irene returned inside to eat while waiting for her cousin to arrive. Park Chorong is Irene personal assistant while Jung Eunji is her private secretary. Mr. Kang is generally an assistant of Mr. Bae but since Irene start working, he also work for her whenever she need him. He started working with Bae family almost 20 years already and started as Mr. Bae driver but now his work scope is widened. Bae family treat him nicely not only him but his family also treated well. They provide cozy house for Mr. Kang and his family, buy a car for him so he don't need to ride motorcycle and give scholarship to Mr. Kang son. Irene never meet Mr. Kang son in person but her father talked a lot about him. That boy used to come to event or party at their mansion but they never have chance to meet ea. According to Mr. Bae, that boy is a good person, respectful, clever and very handsome.

"Joohyunie, are you finished breakfast?" Chorong asked as she appear at the dining room

"Ahh yes, I'm done. Have you eaten? Where is Meungji?" Irene asked when she don't see Eunji around

"I ate already. Eunji is outside talking with Mr. Kang"

"Okay, let me get my stuff first then we head out"

"Alright" Chorong tailing behind Irene as they walk to living room

After pick her bags, both of them walk to front door. Eunji and Mr. Kang still chatting with each other when both of them come to the porch

"Good morning" Eunji greet with wide smile

"Good morning" Irene reply

Suddenly, a sound of motorcycle stop at the gate distracted them. Everyone look at the direction. A guy on a big bike pushed a visor of his helmet showing his monolid eyes. They assumed that is Mr. Kang son since their eyes look same with each other

"Appa!" he addressed Mr. Kang and waving his hand

"Aigoooo Kang Seulgi!" Mr. Kang run to his son and they speak for a while

"Oh, that is his son" Chorong said

"He must be handsome" Eunji comment

Irene shake her head and practically glare at her cousin "Aigooo these two"

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