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I walked out of school, feeling anxious and tired. A lingering sense was followed behind, groans were bashfully heard as my yawn synced into them. The wind breezed through my hair as I looked around.

"(Y/N) (L/N)! Listen here!" I heard my name being called, I swiftly turned around to be faced with a gleeing posture, pushing a microphone up against my face.

It was none other than the news reporter, Gale Weathers.

"Kenny! Move your fat ass and get the camera's rolling!" Gale shouted at her camera man. He instantly nodded and shoved the camera beside her. Gale was dressed in a full on red outfit, a red dress and red high heels, which clanked whenever she walked. She licked her bright cherry red lips and wore a petite smile.

"Coming in live to you outside Woodsboro high! This is Gale Weathers reporting with (Y/N) (L/N), the victim of the incident that had happened beforehand. So tell us (Y/N), how did it feel to be almost butchered, by what's going by, a serial killer?" Gale asked. I clenched my fists and bit my lip.

"I don't really want too answer any questions Gale.. Sorry." I mumbled, her smile was kept on her face. I could sense and feel her intimidation rise. I attempted to walk away but she went steady and followed behind, still raising the microphone up to reach me.

"W-Wait! At least one definition on how you felt, answer the cameras!" Gale chirped. I sped walked and looked down, tugging at my shirt. I bumped my head into something hard, my whole body backed up.

"(Y/N)! Just answer one question. Maybe at least two!" Gale caught up. I distinctly shoved my backpack straps away. My eyes shot up, looking at the figure.

It was Billy. He brushed his bangs out of his eyes. Billy gripped onto my shoulders and pulled me away from Gale's sight.

"Billy?" I questioned. Gale tried to smush herself between us but Billy stopped her.

"She already told you that she doesn't wanna' answer any fucking questions." Billy spat. My hands grasped onto his white v-neck shirt. Billy punched her nose, pushing her harshly. Gale toppled back, holding her scrunched up bloody nose. She scoffed and winced. I looked at him, disbelieved.

"Cut the cameras. Now." Gale muttered. Billy grabbed my wrists and pulled me away, hiding me behind a tree. He gave a serious look and licked his lips to wet them.

"Thanks Billy.." I said, his grip on my wrists tightened.

"You're welcome." Billy skepped.

"Uh, Billy. What's with the grip?" I asked and raised an eyebrow. He hummed and took notice, he hesitated before releasing his grip from my wrists as I gave a shaky sigh.

"Anyways, I should probably get going Billy. You should too, Sid told me she wanted to talk to you about something before we head over to Stu's." I explained. He clicked his tongue and ran his hand through his hair.

"Yeah, yeah..whatever you say princess." Billy's words slipped out like honey. Gosh, Stu and Billy really had a thing for pet names, especially for their friends. I furrowed my brows in thought and gave an attempted smiled.

"God Billy...you and Stu need to stop with those names. You both have girlfriends to use pet names on." I laughed slightly.

"It's fine. As long as she doesn't know. Plus, Sidney hates pet names and we're just friends." Billy darkened at the last bit, shrugging his shoulders. I nodded skeptically and continued to walk past him.

"Don't worry one bit mom. I have my friends to back me up and report anything in case the attacker comes back. Dewey is also on patrol, along with Sherif Burke. So I'll be just fine.." I said into the telephone. My mom had heard about the incident a little bit later, so she hadn't rang until now.

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