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Third/Second Person Perspective {Billy & Stu POV}

Billy's hands pressed against the wall. Cold and burning anger rose in all coordinates of his body. He always felt like his cold, but immaculate stare could intimidate anyone who even gave him one quick glance.

But today, specifically, right now, Billy thought his eyes were deceiving him. It made him and Stu disgusted whenever they saw their precious princess around useless fuckers.

Like, Tatum. That stingy, annoying, asshole of a bitch who doesn't stop nagging Stu about how much she needs him inside of her. Or Sidney. To be honest, Billy couldn't care less about her. In his eyes, he thought of her as another every day, virgin, teen girl who would just end up following in their mother's footsteps. And for Sidney, her mother wouldn't be a great influence to follow in.

It would be more of a..lets just say; Painful Bloodbath.

But the one person that made them anger the most was Randy.

Both Billy or Stu couldn't wait to cut him up, for short, stab him endlessly. They would tear his organs out and squash his nerdy heart beneath their feet. He existed and put his presence in (Y/N)'s life and he was definitely going to pay for it. His horror geek brain made Billy want to crush his life into little tiny pieces.

Right now, Stu was impatiently waiting for Billy to get back into the car. They didn't have anything better to do than follow, and stalk you, just to make sure you weren't doing anything that was against their guidelines. The sound of Tatum's shrieking voice and Randy's annoying tone made his blood run cold. Billy could see you standing in the middle of their argument, staring at the floor and biting your lip.

Billy could hear the faint sound of Stu tapping on the car window. He ignored it and kept glancing at the three figures inside. It looked like Tatum was still mad, shooting daggers at the back of Randy's head as he headed into the back. Billy slightly smirked at the sight.

Minutes later. Randy came out, holding a stack of tapes in his two bare hands. Billy's lips turned into a stale line as he leaned in and pressed his ear against the window to hear their conversation.

"Is that all of them?" you asked. God, your voice was like fresh, sweet blood dripping off of your own stomach. How much Billy envied the thought of cutting more cuts into your delicate body. Like how he did with your neck. Stu was completely livid that he was the first to tame a body part of yours.

That soothing night of finally calling you. Billy was hiding in your backyard. It was typical, really. Stu was at the front of the house, waiting for the right time to give you a small scare. They both didn't really mean any harm though. Both of them just lusted the feeling of touching you with a knife first.

Billy still peered into the small window. Tatum had stormed out. Good thing they took Billy's old, beat up car. Otherwise she would've recognized Stu's. You were still in there, saying your last goodbyes to Randy with the plastic bag wrapped around your wrist. Billy took out the Polaroid camera that hung over on his jeans. He raised it up, attempting to get a good shot of your face, just to add to his and Stu's already full collection. He measured the photo length by squinting his eye, snapping a perfect photo of your face. The tiny photograph rolled out from the slot on the top, he snatched it and fanned the picture in the air.

Billy noticed something weird about how you were standing. You seemed to be leaning in to Randy's face. Billy growled as he felt a burning rage jam over his chest once he caught a glimpse of you pecking Randy on the cheek. You walked out, not even taking one look at the rusted up, white car near the shop. Stu was being a complete idiot and still tapping on the window, with what looked like his forehead now.

Billy ducked once you walked by. His fingers clutched onto the picture in his hands as he casually walked over to the car. Stu revealed a large smile and unlocked the car.

"Took you long enough." Stu said. Billy frowned and plopped onto the drivers seat. Stu did the honors and put the key into the little slot where it belonged. The car made a weird rumble noise. Billy finally turned to the side to take a look at Stu's face.

"Yeah you dimwit," Billy grumbled. He threw the photo of you onto Stu's lap. Stu instantly picked it up and stared at it with a corny grin on his face. "It was nearly impossible to get a good shot. But whatever. She always looks great in photos." Billy smirked. He was telling the truth. He obsessed over every part of you. Your laugh, smile, face, scent, style, voice, shape, and everything else about you drove him crazy. If he were to make a book all about how perfect you were, it would take him centuries to finish.

"Oh yeah! Sweet! It's so fucking pretty!" Stu squealed. He brought it up to his face as an attempt to make out with it. None of Billy's instincts stopped him whatsoever.

"I would say the same thing. But she has Randy's cheek germs now, right on the lips." Billy mumbled. Stu shot a worried glance.

"What do you mean?" Stu asked. Billy licked his lips.

"She kissed Randy on cheek." he coldly stated.

"What!? Fuck no!" Stu screamed and got up from his seat in the front.

"Sit your ass down Stu! I have no fucking idea why she did that, but the results won't be good.." Billy said.

"What are you going to do?" Stu asked. He shifted around as Billy messed around with the car keys.

"I'll tell you when we get back to your house. We have a limited amount of time to plan the big event for your party." Billy muttered. He could already hear the sobs and cries that would come out your mouth. He could smell the stained, liquid blood filling the aroma. Billy and Stu both couldn't wait for the day of the party. It was absolutely all they could think about. Billy jerked the wheel and drove off into the empty road, feeling over the moon with joy and excitement.

-Yesssss, I finally made a Billy & Stu chapter. Though, it was pretty short. Sorry about that, I'll be editing it later and make it longer once I do my homework. Please tell me if there's any mistakes! I'll make sure to correct them. <3

Word count: 1160

Word count: 1160

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(Btw. The outfit that you'll be wearing for Stu's party looks like this, for some of you that asked.)

UPDATE 12/26/23: if yall dont like the fit then change it. 😭 its not rlly my style either, it's just an example.

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