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He is mad He's definitely gone mad. This thought echoed in my mind as I stomped up the stairs. In my haste, my foot got caught in the fabric of my skirt. Sending me hurtling through the bedroom door in a mess of flailing arms and skidding feet. "I'm fine. I'm fine." I said between gasps. With the click of the lock, the pounding in my chest slowed.

The wooden bedframe groaned in protest as I threw myself on the bed with a force that almost gave me whiplash. "Look at this." My arms swept around the room, pointing out to the imaginary audience in my head how right I was in my accusations. "Isn't this enough proof. Who furnishes a room with only one bed? Better yet, why have a bed in here at all? He lives alone, as he said. He only needs one bed. The one in his room." Flopping onto my back in an overly dramatic fashion. I thought to myself, And what, does he think I can't take care of myself? That I can't find a way to support myself and be able to live on my own? That I'm an easy woman that would jump at the chance of having a wealthy life? My vision grew blurry as my eyes remained fixed on the designs in the embossed ceiling.

I didn't realize I had fallen asleep until a knock on the door woke me up. "Miss?" A servant called from the other side of the door.

What day is it? How long was I asleep? "Yes?" I sat up and raked my fingers through my hair.

"Will you be joining Your Grace for breakfast?" she asked.

I cracked the door open. "I don't feel like going down today. Can I eat here?"

"Of course, Miss. I'll bring it up in a minute."

"Thank you, you're so kind." With an apologetic smile, I closed the door. What am I going to do?


The golden rays of the setting sun shimmered on the plate as I stabbed a few leftover peas with my fork. "What if the duke is trying to take advantage of me? He seems to have a kind disposition, but he might be faking it. What most nobles do, is they take you in, and when you have no more use to them, they discard you. He could be like them". I leaned back in my chair and stuffed a piece of bread into my mouth. As I glared at the loaf of bread in front of me, the happy faces of three children in an alley came to mind. "Maybe he's not so bad. Maybe he does want to help." I put another piece of bread in my mouth. "And the servants have been very kind to me," I muttered, remembering how the maids helped me when I first came here.

"Don't hesitate to ask for our help, Miss." A maid―I think she said her name was Annie. Or was it Brigitte?― says as she and another maid help me into my room. "We are here to assist you and help you get better," says the other maid, a mild-mannered woman with a warm, soft voice. No, wait, the former is Bridgitte, and this one is Annie. Gosh, I suck at names.

"Thank you so much. You're very kind," I say as the two maids help me sit down on the bed.

"And don't worry about clothes Miss. The girls and I will lend you some of our dresses until we can go out and get something for you," Annie says with a sweet smile. "What colors do you prefer?"

"Blue would look stunning on her." Commented Brigitte

"Whichever you choose, I don't mind." My voice shook. "Thank you so much." I blink back the moisture in my eyes as my throat constricts with emotion.

She places a warm hand on mine. "You're very much welcome. Now, you wait here, and we will prepare a nice warm bath and bring you up a snack, ok?" They smile and excuse themselves.

Even Mr. Benjamin —although not very happy with me staying here— is always by my side, ready to help.

"How is she, doctor?" says Benjamin as he stands next to my bed.

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