I want you too

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We're idiots,
Really big ones at that,
We're so obvious and so oblivious
But a planned accident
Was still a helpful one,
And now I know
How much you want me
And I'll show you
How much I want you too.

A calm week passed and it seemed that Dazai hadn't heard after all. He was acting as his usual self, kind, snooty, cute and snarky.

When Chuuya asked him why he hadn't come over he simply said that he felt tired and decided to go home insisted. Admittedly he'd skeptical at first but when he noticed that Dazai was exactly the same as before, he decided he was probably being paranoid and so they got on as if nothing had even happened.

Until two weeks later when Dazai decided to put his plan into action.


They were out on a mission again and unfortunately Chuuya had a bad habit of never checking the weather when they went out, it just never crossed his mind. Dazai on the other hand, felt a sense of euphoria overtake him when it began to pour, he'd been waiting for an opportunity for it to start raining.

The ginger grumbled as it began to pour, there were still things to finish up, he couldn't just go and leave Dazai again like he did last time.

However, Dazai seemed to be in a great mood, he was defeating enemies like no one's business.

All while Chuuya stood unhappily underneath a tree, arms crossed in irritation, he liked the rain, but that only applied when he wasn't on duty, it was peaceful and it was even better if he knew he'd make it home at the end of the pouring journey and get changed into warm clothes as he drank some tea but this mission was long and he had already stomped away on the last one because of his... lust issues, he couldn't afford to do the same again.

Dazai came up to him with a grin, standing by in front of him at the tree, "Chuuya~ you silly! You should start checking the weather ya know?"

The older looked away, muttering a curse "if you checked it, then you should have told me. You know I don't check."

"Whoops~ guess I forgot," Dazai sing sang in response.

"Yeah, no shit," Chuuya snapped trying to keep himself from punching that shit-eating grin off the younger's face.

Dazai then sighed and began taking off his jacket, ignoring Chuuya's eyes digging into him, he then placed it on top of Chuuya's head with a light pat and a smile that could rival the stars "there, now you won't get wet anymore!" The blush that adorned Chuuya's face was gorgeous and the confusion incredibly heartwarming, making Dazai have to try his best not to wrap his arms around him and kiss him.

Chuuya looked at him with wide eyes, heart going sporadic "but...what about you?" he murmured, feeling too bashful to make eye contact with him.

"It's okay, down worry. You go home and I'll deal with the rest, I like the rain anyway."

"But I left last time! And I feel bad if I leave you here to deal with it on your own."

Dazai smiled warmly at him, and then pat his head again "it's fine, you're not enjoying yourself right now and I don't want you to catch a cold." Chuuya reluctantly nodded at him, reaching out to grasp onto the brunet's hand, giving it a squeeze

Their eyes met and for a moment it seemed like they were going to lean in and kiss, the atmosphere was too tender for the moment to pass by but it did and Chuuya quickly looked away reminding himself that they were nothing more than friends.

Dazai waved at him and then sprinted back towards the ruined building, waving at him once he reached the other side.

Chuuya waved shyly back at him and then made a quick call for a taxi, making a dash for it once it arrived, keeping Dazai's jacket on him, despite the warmth from the car.

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