Our new home

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Your life has been full of strife
You've constantly needed to fight
To bloody your hands
To bloody your clothes
That whole in your heart
That was there right from the start
Feels a little fuller now that we've grown
Now that we have a home of our own.

They woke up the next morning, grinning like idiots.

Five days off and they could spend it together, Dazai already knew what they were going to do: talk, drink, watch tv, talk even more, paint and write about each other and of course have sex. 

And so they fell into that routine they had back when they had been in the future, except this time the routine was more like their older selves rather than their current selves.

They spent their days like a couple on a vacation, sitting in their kitchen late at night drinking and smoking and talking about nothing, laughing as they talked fondly about random moments of their life that the other hadn't been a part of or reminiscing about the times they did spend together.

Sometimes one of them would get too close, give salacious looks, or make their touches just a tad bit too suggest full without meaning to. Then they'd find themselves stumbling towards the bedroom, hands already all over each other.

During the day Dazai would go back into that habit of drawing and painting Chuuya, especially the way he looked the night they had sex for the first time.

And Chuuya was suddenly able to write poems like he was born with a natural talent to do so, all his poems were about the same thing, how amazingly and utterly in love with Dazai he was.

Those five days they spent together were even better than the two weeks in the future, because this time they had what they wanted, each other.

But of course, it had to come to an end and they had to go back to work, even so, their interactions had not changed.

After their godly rendezvous, it became pretty obvious to everyone that they'd gotten into a relationship, they held hands as they walked through the dimly lit hallways of the port mafia, they kissed each other instead of saying hello or goodbye, all of it was public, even if they tried to keep it a secret it wouldn't have lasted, they felt too giddy to be able to keep themselves away from each other. 

No one was surprised that they were together but what was surprising was how lovey-dovey they were.

Dazai could be seen humming or singing love songs when he was walking to or from his missions, it was rare to see him frowning these days and when he just so happened to be with Chuuya he stared at him with lovey eyes and walked next to him like a lost puppy.

Chuuya too was often seen smiling, he walked with an extra pep in his step and whenever he was signing off reports or writing them in his office he had his headphones in and did little dances to the music in his chair.

Their relationship also had a perk for Mori too, they got their jobs done as quickly as they could so they could spend their hours off together.

After two months of being together, they decided they'd move in together, they worked together perfectly on missions and understood each other completely even when they argued (and when they had sex).

And anyways they spent most of their time together in each other's homes, so after an unusual and oddly mature conversation they asked Kyōyō for her opinion, she pondered about it in silence for a few minutes, leaving Chuuya and Dazai to sit on her couch like two children who'd been caught doing something they shouldn't have.

After much consideration Kyōyō decided that she thought it was a good idea, seeing how they acted around each other it was obvious a relationship like theirs would last a very long time.

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