Chapter 16 (Edited)

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Around three in the morning, Vulcan and I made our way back to the pack. Questions swarmed around in my brain, making me wonder what was in this for me, and what caused Vulcan to put on a mask and become mute.

I shook my head and sighed, hating the fact that I didn't get to know all about me or being the Red Wolf. All I knew was that I had powers, and I could still be changed into an evil Wolf if I drank uninnocent people's blood. This had caused Vulcan to hiss and me to growl and state over my dead body.

Amelia Grace just smirked, probably glad that I wouldn't let anyone try to change me. She gave me a few instructions as well stating that Liam was one of my guards as well. She, also, told me that I all ready knew three more, but she wouldn't state who.

I shook my head again and sighed, clearing me from those thoughts. I turned to look at Vulcan, finding him looking at me. "I want you to just transport into your room," I said, leaving no room for arguments. "No one knows that you actually went with me. All right?"

Vulcan shook his head no, causing me to huff. He folded his arms across his chest and just stared at me. I could tell that he was glaring, trying to intimidate me. However, it kind of looked pathetic with that pig's mask.

"I don't want you to get hurt. Please just transport yourself into your room." I gave him my best begging look, causing the male to huff and disappear. I sighed and shook my head before opening the door. I knew that I was going to get into trouble, but hey, it was either that or getting into trouble with the council.


"I don't know where she is," I heard Liam said when I walked in. "She just upped and-" He paused, and I knew that he caught my scent. He scrambled to the front of the house and saw me. Relief filled his eyes as he saw that I had came back unscahthed. "Where the hell did you go?" he asked, getting angry.

"Somewhere that if I told you, would lead you to be killed," I replied. I grabbed my left arm with my right hand when I saw that Beta Rodrick as well as Alpha Carter was up. The both looked kind of pissed.

Liam frowned, probably not liking my answer. "Then why did you go? If it was dangerous, don't you think that you should've informed me? I feel this... protective feeling over you. I know it's not a mate bond, but..."

I blinked. Amelia Grace did say that they would feel protective of me, so I guess it was true. I glanced at Alpha Carter and Beta Rodrick. I knew that I couldn't tell them, so I was going to have to tell Liam later. I just hoped that he would still feel the same way about me. I glanced at him, putting on my best begging face. "I'll tell you later," I said. "I can't tell anyone else, so I'll take whatever punishment that will be given to me." I glanced at the other two older men.Beta Rodrick snorted and rolled his eyes.

"And she is supposed to be the Beta?" he muttered, causing Liam to growl.

I grunted, not liking his attitude. "I'm sorry, Beta," I said, my voice laced with sarcasm. This caused him to growl, which caused me to smirk. "I didn't know that I had to ask you for something." I turned to look at Alpha Carter, feeling Beta Rodrick's hatred. "Now, what is my punishment? I don't want to be in a room where I'm unliked. Too much bad memories." I stuffed my hands in my hoodie pocket.

"You're going to have to do training from five o'clock to eleven o'clock for three weeks," Alpha Carter said. He was upset that I wouldn't share what had happened to me. However, I guess he understood that it was to protect them.

"But, Dad-" Liam began.

"Sure," I said. I shifted on my feet, feeling slightly excited and nervous. "Does that mean I can actually train with a pack?"

"Have you ever trained?" Beta Rodrick asked.

"Nine to eleven in the evening," I replied, glancing at him. "Monday through Saturday. My brother trained me for an hour on Sundays." I glanced at Liam, who was scowling. "Four more hours aren't going to kill me. It'll just make me stronger." I yawned and stretched. "Now, I'm going to bed. I'll see ya'll when it is light." With that, I started to walk up the steps, going to my room.

"You are going to school tomorrow, so I hope you sleep well," Liam called up, making me flick him the bird. This caused him to laugh. "I hope that someone will teach you manners."

"That isn't going to happen," I replied. "It'll go in one ear and out the other."

This caused Alpha Carter to cover his laughter with a cough and Liam just laughing. Beta Rodrick just tsked and something under the lines of 'stupid girl'. This caused me to roll my eyes, because he didn't know what I had to go through to keep my spirit from being broken.

I changed into my bed clothes before going to bed. My stomach clenched at the thought of going to school without my brother, but I knew that I could do it. I just hoped that I would find some friends to hang out with.


Three hours later, I got out of bed and started to get ready for school. I had been tossing and turning for about two hours and dosing for the extra one. However, a nightmare popped into my mind, causing me not being able to fall back asleep.

I yawned and stretched before shaking my head. "Well, I can survive on one hour," I muttered while I placed on an old shirt, hoodie and a pair of worn out jeans. I pulled my hair into a ponytail before padding out of my room with no shoes on.

I couldn't hear anyone else up, so I was sure that no one else was. However, I started making breakfast for the people in the pack house. I had learned that fifty one people lived in the house, and most of the people living here were teenagers.

I hummed softly while I started to cook, my mind wandering to what my brother would be doing. I knew that he and Gigi probably mated last night. I clenched my hand tighter against the pot handle, feeling pain from my mate having sex with someone else. My hand shook and I took a deep breath, trying to do the thing that I had done yesterday.

"Girl?" someone asked, causing me to open my eyes. Brown eyes, that looked like Luke's, looked at me with worry. "Are you all right?"

I gritted my teeth together, clutching the pot. I so badly wanted to hit him with it, because not only had he called me girl, but it seemed like he was incapable of feeling empathy. "Rylan, Sir," I growled out. I could feel that glowing ball thing appear around my inner stomach and sighed a little from the relief it brought me. "And my "mate" is messing around with a slut." I felt another small sting of pain. However, this one was coming from my hand.

I blinked when I saw that I had broken the handle of the pot and blood was starting to form. "Stupid pot," I muttered before I set it down on the counter. I grabbed hold of some paper towels and started to clean my wound.

"Your last name is Reece, correct?"

"That's what I've been told," I replied, sarcastically.

Beta Rodrick growled. "When will you show me respect?" He threw some power at me, which caused me to roll my eyes.

"Powers don't affect me, Beta," I said. I looked at him, feeling annoyed as well as angry. "Respect should be earned, and you haven't earned it. You know why I left before I met you? It was because you looked at me with such hate, that I'm surprised you haven't killed me yet." With that, I placed the pot in the sink and stormed out of the kitchen and went outside.

So much for making breakfast for the pack.

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