Extra #5 Kitty!- Rylan's POV

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Question of chapter: What type of animal do you like/love? If you have more than one (like me) then what are your top three animals?


It had been three months from when I was "rescued" from the depths of the Council and away from the group of Werewolves that had captured me. And, well, a lot has changed.

Not only had Cooper's and I's relationship started to take form, but I had been going through the different packs, clans, and whatever groups of Supernatural creatures there were to see if I couldn't get people on my side. I didn't know when all hell would break loose, but I knew that I had to be prepared when it did.

And, thankfully, half of the groups were on my side, while others were not very friendly and tried to kill me. Only a few of the groups were neutral, and I had promised them that I would protect them, because it was in my blood.

While I had been thinking about all of that I had been through, what I had to do to make sure that everyone was safe, and to make plans for the pack if there was an attack, I was absentmindedly playing with the laser pointer that I had used for a presentation to our Warriors. I huffed, knowing full well that I had to make plans as to how I wanted to keep the Warriors alive in case of a battle.

A loud banging and crashing sound resonated across the room, causing me to jump up in fright. My heart started to race because I didn't even know what was happening until I had looked towards to see something quite weird.

What I saw was probably the weirdest and funniest thing that I had ever witnessed, even with the twins that I had called my friends, that I couldn't help but chuckle.

The reason as to why I couldn't but chuckle was because of a grown man, in a pig's mask, on what used to be a bookshelf, trying to catch a red dot.

I wonder... I thought, smirking as an evil and genius plan came into my mind. What would happen if I... moved the dot to the left... I moved the laser pointer to the left, causing the red dot to move to the left as well. And, sure enough, Vulcan was chasing after the little red dot.

A choking sound escaped my lips when Vulcan "caught" the red dot and tried to bring it to his face, only to find that it didn't move one bit.

"What the... " he muttered, trying to grab at the dot again. "Where'd it go?" he asked, frantically looking around because the light had "disappeared".

I snickered and turned the light back on and aimed it at the ceiling above his head.

Vulcan looked up at the ceiling to find the red dot and hissed out in annoyance. He tried to reach for the dot, but he didn't have any luck on getting it.

After a few minutes of him jumping up and down, I turned the light back off and called for him. "Hey, Kitty," I called, instantly getting his attention and tossed him the pointer. "You can't catch the dot."

With that, I stood from my chair and walked out of the room before bursting out into laughter as soon as I had closed the door. I couldn't help but feel smug for fooling the older male that should have known that he wouldn't be able to catch dot that came from the laser pointer.

Unfortunately, like a cat, he seemed to want to play with the dot. And so, his new nickname shall be Kitty.  


Answer to question of chapter: I love Wolves, Horses, and Dogs. There is no order, just thought I'd be alphabetically backwards. xD

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