Chapter 29 (Edited)

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For two weeks, we stayed at the pack with little to no trouble. Sure, the first time that I had started to train them, there had been a lot of complaints and people disrespecting me. This had made me smirk and pushed them even harder than what Brick had pushed me.

After two days, everyone stopped complaining and actually did the work. They saw that I was fairly easy with training, and if they did behave, then I, also, did what they were doing with a one hundred pound weight on, because I usually ran before training. Sometimes... Cooper would run with me, but I didn't really want to think about him or how the mate bond was strengthening. I didn't even know what to think when he had dumped Mitchie and started to not sleep around.

Was it possible that he was changing?


Speaking of mates, Liam found his. Surprisingly, it was Mitchie's right hand ma-, er woman, but I had forgiven her, because it wasn't her fault for her to bully me. Let's just say... she had been the first one that I had helped out and protected. Her name was Rebecca, and she kind of cried when she was alone and without her "best friend".

Claire hadn't woken up, and I wasn't allowed to see her. That had pissed me off so much that I almost lost my cool and beaten the pack doctor, who was still a bitch. Vulcan and Liam had to pull me out of the house, where I was yelling, kicking and trying to get back there. Rhett was pissed, but he knew better than to do anything.

And speaking of brothers, I had told my brother, his mate, and Rebecca about me being the Red Wolf. My brother was kind of suspicious and scared, but after a few days he accepted the position. Gigi and Rebecca accepted their positions of being my guards quickly. I wasn't surprised that Gigi would accept quickly, but I was with Rebecca. I guess it was her way of asking for an apology.

"Come on and move your asses," I yelled, watching as everyone was doing the obstacle course that the group and I had set up for them. I folded my arms across the vest and watched them. "You all have one more round so go faster."

"Why don't you do it, and we watch?" Mitchie snarked while she had passed me. She glared, which caused me to smirk.

"Finish up, Sweetie, and then I will," I replied with a half sing song voice.

Liam covered up a laugh with cough when Mitchie scowled. "I'll go get the rest of the gang," he said. "I'm sure you will be fighting them afterwards?"

I placed a hand over my heart mockingly and batted my eyelashes. "Oh, Li," I said. "You know me so well."

Liam snorted and flicked me off before leaving to go find them.

I snorted and rolled my eyes before I turned back towards them. "What are you standing around for?!" I yelled, seeing that most of them had stopped and watched as I bantered with Liam.

They stayed silent and started to run underneath my watchful gaze.


Two hours passed by and I was finally able to get back to my room. I groaned and popped my shoulder back into place. "Damn it, Brick," I muttered, knowing that he wasn't able to hear me. "Why make me fight you after I fought the whole group?"

"Rylan?" Vulcan asked, seeing me. His whole body was tense, and I could tell that there was a frown on his face. Something about him told me that something was wrong.

"What is it?" I asked, tensing slightly. I took a deep breath and smelt a scent that I had known my whole life. My face paled, and my mouth started to open and close as if I was a fish. I gestured for Vulcan to move out of the way and opened the door.

There, sitting on a chair in the room, sat Claire looking through one of my drawing books. A small smile was on her face before she looked up at me. "Hello, Rylan," she said, softly. She placed the book down and stood.

"Luna? You're alive?" I asked, my voice cracking. I ran towards her when she nodded and opened her arms. Tears streamed down my face when I crashed into her arms.

"Shhhh," she said, softly. She ran her hand through my hair while both of us fell to the floor. "I am safe. You are safe."


I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, burying myself into her scent. "I'm sorry," I croaked. "It's my fault. I-"

"Rylan," Claire scowled. "It's not your fault for my mate's death or me almost dying." She stroked my hair, before tensing when she smelt something. I could tell that she had lifted her head and growled, because I could feel it. "And why are you here, Leech?" she sneered. "Here to hurt my daughter?"

I grumbled under my breath. "I just wanted five more minutes of this, but you had to ruin it," I muttered, causing Vulcan to snort. I moved out of her arms and wiped my face, not caring the fact that I still covered dirt and grime. "Luna, this is Vulcan. He has been helping me out after your- uh er.. my mate." I glanced down, blushing. "Vulcan wouldn't hurt me even if he was paid a million dollars."

"And how can you be sure?" she asked. "For all I know he could be using you as a blood bag.

"I rubbed the back of my neck. "I... think he would have to get my permission first if that happens," I replied.

"And, she bares his blood, so..." a voice said at the door.

I turned to look to see that it was Addy, Bailey, Thaddie, Chris, and Gigi. I flung my arms in the air, sarcastically. "Ok, everybody in. We can start a fucking party, now," I said. I winced when Claire hit me. "Oww." I pouted.

"Language, Rylan Regina," she scowled. "But what does she mean by baring this... Vulcan's blood?"

I glanced at Vulcan and cocked my head, wondering if he would be all right if she knew. I smiled a little when he nodded and turned back to my surrogate mother. I took the necklace that I never took off and let her see the blood red diamond. "This," I replied. "Vulcan is my Protector."

She frowned then looked me up and down. "He didn't do a good job," she said.

I growled softly, hating the fact that she thought he wasn't protective of me. "It's because Brick made him leave while we trained. It got too much for him."

"Vulcan is protective of her, Luna Claire," Addy reassured her. "He almost took out one of the members of your, well your son's, pack because they snuck into the room while she was in the shower."

"You are digging a bigger hole for him," she said, glaring at Vulcan.

I sighed and placed an arm on her. "Aunt Claire," I said, knowing that me calling her my aunt would work to calm her and her Wolf down. "I'm safe. He hasn't tried anything and won't. I'm not that meek girl that you knew a month ago."

Claire nodded her head, relaxing. "Why didn't you come to visit me?" she scowled.

I winced. Shit. "Well... I was going to but Doc Liz didn't like it that I was going into your room. I had an argument with her and it almost lead into a punching match if it weren't for Vulcan and Liam getting there in time."

"So that is why the vase close to the door is broken," she muttered.

I blushed. "I'll buy you a new one," I said. "I'm sorry, I didn't meant to break it. I was just so pissed that I didn't control where I was kicking.

"Claire nodded her head and smiled. "It's fine," she said. "I was wanting to replace the vase."

I grinned and nodded my head. "I-"

Someone burst through the door, causing us to jump. "Mom?" the person asked, relaxing when he saw her. "You're alive."


A/N: Question, who else knows when you are in trouble when your parent/guardian says your first and middle name? I all ready know that it means that I'm in trouble. xD

Anyways, hope ya'll liked the chapter.

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