Chapter Ten

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"Phantom, remove the implant quickly, the nanotech has been successfully programmed, " Alice said, holding out a syringe to Jason.

Phantom nodded and stuck his intangible hand into her chest, pulling out the heart implant. As soon as the implant was out Jason injected the contents of the syringe. Sarah's wounds began to close instantly as the nanobots got to work, Alice signaled to the two boys and they both left the room out the window.

After the boys left Sarah opened her eyes, groggy and confused she tumbled out of bed. Grabbing her phone she saw she had a text from Alice, she opened it and read it. The brightness of the screen made her recoil for a second before her eyes adjusted.

Alice: shot by GIW, Phantom figured out your identity, Vlad killed all GIW members and destroyed all facilities, Protocol 13 was implemented.

Sarah groaned, everyone had gone and made a mess of things. She would have to talk to Vlad at a later time about killing government agents. For now, she just wanted some food, so Sarah made her way to the kitchen.


"So you're telling me, my sister got adopted by your greatest enemy?" Jason asked, sitting in Danny's room.

"I'm still trying to get over the fact that Sarah is Sarah Silver from the future," Tucker responded in disbelief.

"Not to mention she's Techna" Sam responded.

"She's still our friend, no matter who she really is," Danny said before looking back at Jason. "And Vlad has protected her very well and cared for her, she's safe with him"

"I saw him blowing up a government building," Jason said with disbelief

"That was probably the people who shot Sarah," Danny explained Quickly, knowing Vlad wouldn't do anything that drastic without a good reason.

"Well now I'm upset that I didn't do that," Jason whined, causing the others to laugh a bit.

Alice who was floating in the corner silently finally let out a beep and spoke, "You are set to start school on Monday under the identity of Jason Lazarus"

Jason nodded, if he wanted to watch over Sarah then he had to go to school. Danny and his friends had agreed to help Jason, it was mutually agreed that only the people in the room would know about Jason being here until the time was right. Tucker then said something about a box Ghost causing Jason to burst out laughing, Jason felt at peace in this small town, perhaps this would be good for him and Sarah.


Vlad woke up alert and ready to fight as he heard a crash from the kitchen. Quickly transforming into Plasmius he dropped through the floor into the kitchen, eyes searching for the intruder. Vlad only managed to calm down when he saw where the source of the noise came from, Sarah stood in front of the coffee maker, Coffee beans, and cocoa powder, covering her and the floor around her.

"Sarah, why are you up? You just got shot!" Vlad said, and there was a hint of panic in his voice.

"Food" she muttered tiredly, still attempting to brew her coffee.

Vlad let out a sigh, "Sit down Sarah, I'll make you something to eat." He guided Sarah to the dining room and pushed her into a chair.

"Thanks, dad" she muttered barely aware of her surroundings.

Vlad smiled Proudly at what Sarah said and headed back to the kitchen. Cooking just so happened to be a hidden passion of Vlad's, he originally learned to impress Maddie, but found he liked it more than just a chance to show off. Making chocolate chip pancakes was easy for Vlad, but making them for his daughter, he put his entire heart into them.

Vlad set the pancakes in front of Sarah who looked to be in a confused state. She blinked a few times before slowly grabbing her fork. She took a bite of the pancakes and her entire demeanor changed, now seeming more alert and happy as the taste hit her tongue. She looked up and Vlad and smiled before grimacing and holding her shoulder in pain.

"How are you feeling?" Vlad asked, knowing the answer already.

"Like I've been shot," she said sarcastically as she bit back the pain.

Vlad bit back a laugh as he needed to ask questions "why did they shoot you?"

"No idea, they fed me a lie that you had been arrested and needed me for questioning. When I refused to get in the car they pulled a gun, when I further refused I got shot." Sarah explained.

"I was not arrested, they don't even have the Jurisdiction to arrest anyone," Vlad said angrily, what did those bastards want with his child?

Sarah Shrugged, she knew the answers were gone when Vlad destroyed the organization. Vlad let out a sigh, people were targeting Sarah and the GIW might not be the last. He needed to get her a bodyguard, perhaps he could ask Daniel to watch his daughter for the time being.


Dick stood outside of a burger joint confused, wasn't he just in the manor? He looked up at the name, confusion hit even more, what kind of name was Nasty Burger? Dick ran a hand through his hair, he felt younger, four years younger.

He headed into the Burger joint feeling hungry, he had spent the last few days tirelessly looking for his sister and now missing brother. He stood in line at the counter looking around the restaurant trying to get a clue on where he was. He saw a poster on the wall that had Techna on it.

"One Techna Burger please" the person in front ordered.

Dick looked around eyes wide, Techna and this ghost named Phantom were all over the restaurant. Perhaps he had found his sister, after all, he would need to investigate. The cashier coughed getting Dicks attention, he would have to start after he ate something.

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