Chapter Fourteen

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"Nightwing, Hood, Phantom needs assistance. Skulker is hunting him again, I'm dealing with Desiree." Techna said into her coms as she fought off a possessed statue of Dash.

"I'll help Phantom, Hood give Techna support," Nightwing said, heading towards Phantom.

This had been the dynamic for a week now, everyone helped with the ghosts giving Danny enough time to actually sleep and get his grades up. However there was an unexpected side effect, Vlad had created a task force to take down Techna, Nightwing, and Red Hood. It seemed Vlad didn't trust the new heroes and thought they would bring more trouble to the town.

After the patrol was over Techna smirked at Phantom "sleep well Spooky we have a test tomorrow" she said before taking off.

Phantom just shook his head "have fun hiding from Vlad" he chuckled heading home himself.

Nightwing and Red Hood smiled at each other "it's more peaceful here" Nightwing said.

"Yeah, a nice break from Gotham" Red Hood said before heading home himself.


Vlad was ranting about Techna again at breakfast. Sarah had grown used to his hate for her other side but it had her growing more distant. She absent-mindedly drank her morning coffee as she listened.

"I was willing to leave her alone but then she brings in more friends! She's a danger to you! If Gotham is any indication, new Hero's bring new problems!" Vlad ranted angrily.

"I kinda like her," Sarah said softly.

"Well she is dangerous Sarah, I can't let anything happen to you again," Vlad said sternly.

Sarah just left to go to school not saying anymore to Vlad. Vlad noticed Sarah had been getting more distant, he didn't like it but he could focus on why after he had dealt with Techna. Tonight he was going to take care of her himself.


Techna was patrolling alone, Phantom was studying, Red Hood was working and so was Nightwing. Techna didn't mind it, with Vlad on a warpath she couldn't be in the house. She imagined this must be how Phantom felt every day, and man did it suck.

She was flying when a pink ecto blast hit her. Techna fell and hit the roof of the nearest building groaning in pain. She looked up to see who hit her and her heart dropped, it was Vlad.

"You must be Plasmius," Techna said standing up.

"Techna, leave Amity Park now," he said sinisterly.

"Can't do that, I have a test tomorrow, and Phantom needs the help" she said trying to distract herself from the emotional pain she felt.

"I tried to be nice for my daughter, but if you won't listen I'll just have to kill you," he said shooting an ecto blast at Techna.

Techna barely dodged the blast. She was in uncharted territory here, she didn't spar with Danny and she knew Vlad was stronger. She got hit and it damaged her wing, the nanotech could repair but it would take hours.

Vlad split and grabbed Techna from behind, only one weapon she had worked on him and she dropped it when she fell. Vlad was going to kill her, she didn't know what to do... no wait she had a plan. It would reveal who she was to Vlad but she could stay with Dick or Jason after this.

"Alice detach and initiate protocol vanish," Techna said calmly, this was her only chance.

Alice detached, and as the Techna suit turned into the drone Vlad found himself staring at his daughter. Before he could say or do anything a blinding light flashed and Sarah got out of his grip. When Vlad could see again she was gone, he realized what he had just done.

Vlad rushed home and into Sarah's room, but she wasn't there. He waited all night for her but she didn't come home. He went to her school looking for her but she wasn't there either.

Vlad felt despair, and worse he couldn't blame anyone else. This was his fault, he went after Techna. He caused Sarah to drift away and when he attacked her that night he almost killed his daughter.

He couldn't think or breathe as he was suffocating from the realization of what he did. He lost his daughter and it was his fault. Vlad wasn't going to give up, he had to find Sarah, no matter what he had to do to fix this he would get his daughter back.

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