02 | E

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"Fuck." I mumbled to myself as Dimitri walked out the door. I turned around and faced the counter, my hands were pressed flat onto it as my head bowed down between my shoulders. I once again felt betrayed and this time it was not just by Anthony. Though it had been years since I had seen Tia in person, we still spoke every few days. Yet, for some reason she still kept her illness a secret from me. 

"Where's Mattia?" Anthony stood to my left with Dominic in his arms. He put him down and the moment his feet touched the ground, he sprinted into the living room and jumped onto the couch.

"No jumping, Dom!" I shouted which made him sit quietly. "He just left." I turned back to Anthony.

"Did he tell you?"

"That you have been giving him updates about our lives or that you already knew about Tia?" My eyebrows hugged as my head cocked to the side.

"You said that you didn't want anything to do with them."

"And you knew exactly who I was talking about! Do you think I would have weekly calls with Tia if I didn't care about her wellbeing? God, Ant." I let out a deep sigh. "So, all this time you've been coming over and pretending to help, to care about us, you've been— what?! Spying on us for Mattia?"

"Don't start with that bullshit, Nuelle. You know damn well I'm here for the both of you, because I care about you two." He gulped. "And so does he. He just wanted to make sure that you were safe."

"He cares about us. Right." I sarcastically smiled, "If he cared about us, he would've kept his promise and stayed away from us." I attempted to walk away until his words stopped me.

"We both know you never really wanted that. It was only a matter of time before one of you would give in." He spoke.

"He only came here because of Tia. And if I decide to go to Seattle, then it will only be because of Tia. Dom and I are far better off without him."

"I was just trying to look out for you, okay? And you might hate him but he's just trying to do the same thing."

"You have a child on the way. You won't always be able to look out for us." I shook my head. "That's why you have to tell me when something is going on so that we know how to handle these situations when there's no one around to help us." I had just finished speaking when Vanessa, Anthony's fiancé came walking through the door.

"Hey Nessa," I said, looking passed Anthony at the heavily pregnant woman who waddled like a cute penguin. She dropped her bag on the ground and crashed into the couch. "How was work?" I gave Anthony the side eye as I walked past him.

"I can't wait until I get to go on maternity leave. TWO MORE DAYS!"

"Oh, I can understand." My lips curved into a smile when Dominic placed his ear against her stomach.

"Baby moved!" He stated with such excitement.

"Are you going to play with her when she's here?" Anthony handed Nessa a glass of orange juice as he placed a kiss on her forehead.

"I dunno." Dominic shrugged his shoulders before he went back to playing by himself.

Looking at Anthony and Vanessa, I realized how different Dom's upbringing could have been if perhaps his father was still around. Although, I had done my best to play the role of both parents, I always feared that he would grow up missing something. Something I was afraid I could never give him.

"Everything alright?" Nessa asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah." I nodded. "I'm just, I have to go to Seattle for a few days and I don't know how Mr. Isaac is going to take it, seeing as he explicitly told me that I don't get any days off as long as my three-month contract hasn't passed." I exhaled.

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