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"Do you think she'll like the black one more or the green emerald one-shoulder? The black has diamonds all over and isn't that expensive. Almost $7000,-."

I groaned; having to listen to Marissa talk about dresses and trying to park at the same time, was harder than I thought that it was going to be. My sister and I were not entirely on good terms, however, she would never turn down the chance to go shopping.

It was Friday afternoon, just a couple of hours before the grand opening of my casino. Nuelle did not know about this event. She was at the office, working on the project. I went to collect Dom from school.

So far everything went according to my plan. I picked up Dom from school and spent some time with him, whilst also going about the final things that needed to be done for the opening. Marissa was in charge of shopping for a dress for Nuelle to wear and one for her too. A complimentary gift for her 'hard work', she said when she snatched my card from my hand.

"Wait, why am I asking you about the price again? I can buy this whole store."

Marissa would not have trouble reaching the one-million-dollar limit on the card, in just a couple of hours.

"Again. I don't care about the price. Just find something that she'll like." I put the car on park, "I'm already at the school. Get the job done before the end of the workday. The dress and everything else should be perfectly laid out on my bed for Nuelle to see when she walks into the room."

"Yes, boss." She hung up, only to still flood my phone with the many pictures of different dresses she sent me.

I put my phone away and made my way into the school. This was the first time that Dom and I would be spending time together, alone and I wanted the kid to like me. I wanted a genuine bond with him, for him to see me as a parental figure.

He was sitting at his little desk, surrounded by two classmates. One of them looked my way before Dom did, screaming 'DAD!', then he ran towards a man, who was standing behind me.

My eyes shifted to Dom who finally saw me. "DAD!" He shouted just like his little friend did. I froze. He ran my way, and I did not know how to act, but once he was close enough my knees folded, and I scrunched down for him to run into my arms. His arms wrapped around my neck when I picked him up.

I was lost for words.

"Dad." He repeated himself.

"Yeah. It's me. I'm here." I held him to me tightly, still in disbelief of what was happening.

Dad...his dad. I wanted to be his dad.

"This is my friend." Dom turned to the kid next to us.

"Hi, I'm Thomas and this is Jamey." The man that was previously standing behind me, introduced himself and the little guy in front of him.

"Mattia," I shook his hand. "This is Dom." I put Dom on his feet. "Good to know he already has a friend."

"You guys new to the area?"

"Oh, no. But this one is." I smiled down at Dom, "We had him in a different school." I spared the stranger of any further details.

"Well, this school's a great choice. And I'm sure he'll fit in perfectly. Have a good one."

"Thank you. You guys too." We walked off after the two boys did their own goodbyes. I buckled Dom into the backseat, then I rearranged the rear-view mirror so that I could see him.

"Hey buddy, do you like your new school?"

He answered with a hard nod, "The other children are nice to me. My teacher too. We had to draw houses today. Mine was the best!" His excitement went through the roof.

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