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Loud banging on the door and the sound of someone shouting woke me up. It took me a minute to collect myself and I only realized where I was when I looked around the unfamiliar room.

"Dimitri," I nudged him on his shoulder.

"Huh." His eyebrows scrunched up when he looked at me. Meanwhile, Lorna was still banging on the door, calling out to him.

"Mattia, wake up!" She shouted over and over again.

"Lorna?" He stumbled out of bed, still half asleep when he answered the door. I got out of bed as well and hid near the bathroom. Getting caught in his room would only raise questions and I was not ready for the confrontation, seeing as I myself did not know what I was doing there.

"Is Alma." The panic in her voice forced us to become wide awake.

"What happened?"

"Alma is not breathing." She cried out.

My heart sank to my stomach, I remember thinking to myself; 'this can't be happening.' Dimitri ran out of the room, and she did her best to keep up with him.

I rushed to get Dom who was still asleep and with him in my arms I ran downstairs as well. When I got to the room, I saw Tia struggling to breathe. She looked to be in a lot of pain.

"Did you call the ambulance?" Dimitri tried to get an answer from Lorna, but she was far too unstable at that moment to think straight. "Fuck," he grabbed his phone, "Fuck, pick up! Leighton, I need— I need help. I need an ambulance. It's Tia. I— no. I don't know. She's not fucking breathing well. I don't know. She has it on, I already checked it. It's her, she isn't taking it."

Lorna started to dramatically wail, making my skin crawl as my mind started to play out horrible scenarios. I was not ready to lose Tia. I could never be ready to lose her.

"Pack her stuff, the ambulance is on its way." He ordered Lorna when he got off the phone. "Hold on, okay. Just a few more minutes." He spoke to Tia as he checked her breathing mask again.

I saw everything happen in slow motion. I wanted to help, to do something but there was absolutely nothing that I could do. I could not even convince myself to move.

Loud siren sounds shook us all, but at the same time brought us some relief. Leighton and two other nurses rushed into the house, pushing us aside to take care of Tia.

Lorna got in the ambulance with them, not wanting to leave Tia's side while Dimitri, Dom and I raced behind them in a separate vehicle. On the way there he phoned Marissa to let her know what was happening after which he contacted Christoph about picking her up.

When we arrived at the hospital, Tia was taken into a room whilst we were told to wait outside. And after what felt like hours Leighton came to give us an update.

"She's stable again, but we we're lucky." He said. "I've spoken to her doctor; he'll provide you with more details about her status. But, as a friend— I have to be honest, Mattia. There isn't much we can do other than give her the prescribed medicine to help her cope with the pain. She can't miss any more pills and given her situation it's our duty to keep track of whether or not she takes them."

"What?" Dimitri looked confused, "She didn't miss any of her medicine. We make sure to check in every few hours. I don't understand."

I did. My whole body turned cold as my heart began beating fast again my chest.

"Lorna? Did, did you forget to give Tia any of her medicine?" He asked in the calmest way possible.

I should have opened my mouth by then, but as if my lips were glued together and my body was frozen, I just stood there unable to talk or move. I would have literately made myself disappear if I could.

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