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before i start TW TALK OF MENTAL ILLNESS, MANIA, DEPRESSION, DRUG USE if that triggers you please stop reading, i love y'all <33

i wake up and Jadens not next to me anymore, i thought maybe he was in the shower so i went to check but the door was open and no one was in there, i walk out of his room and to Jayla who's door was open
Jayla: morning, how are you?
Y/n: i'm alright thanks, have you seen Jaden?
Jayla: no i thought he was still sleeping with you
Y/n: oh weird, i woke up and he was gone
Jayla: that's weird, maybe ask Wanna
Y/n: yeah i will, talk later
i hug her and walk out to go to Javons room, i knock on the door
Javon: yeah?
Y/n: can i come in?
Javon: yeah
i open the door and Javons laying on his bed, i walk in and sit down
Javon: you doing okay today?
Y/n: could be better but i'm alright
Javon: i'm here whenever you need
Y/n: thank you Javon
he smiles at me
Y/n: do you know where Jaden went?
Javon: no is he not in his room?
Y/n: nope he was gone when i woke up, he didn't have baseball practice today did he?
Javon: no it's a Sunday
Y/n: yeah that's what i thought
Javon: i'll call him
Javon grabs his phone and calls Jaden, but no answer
Javon: weird, he always answers his phone
Y/n: oh no do you think he's in trouble?
Javon: no no i'm sure he's fine, he might've just gone for a run
Y/n: yeah i guess
i can't help but worry, is he sneaking off with a girl? or even worse, is he hurt? all these thoughts are rushing through my head. why would he just leave, it's only 7am where could he possibly be going before 7
Javon: you okay?
Y/n: yeah
i feel like i'm gonna cry but i try to hold back my tears, I'm sure it's nothing
Javon: Y/n don't cry he's fine i promise, like i said he might've just gone for a run he does that sometimes when his mental health gets bad
Y/n: oh no do you think he's gonna have an episode?

Jaden has bipolar, he's on meds and he's been really good lately but he used to go into these manic episodes where he would be completely out of it and not talk to anyone or even not come home for days. It used to scare me so much and i would be so worried about him, i still do get worried but since he's been doing better i thought it would become more rare.

Javon: i don't think so, nothings happened that could trigger him. that i know of anyway
Y/n: shit, if he doesn't answer or come back soon we need to tell someone
Javon: just give him a minute, you know how pissed he will be if he gets sent back to hospital
Y/n: i know but id rather him be angry at me for a while than have a repeat of last time

the last time this happened Jaden left for weeks and no one could find him, then Jess and DJ got a call from the Psych ward saying the police brought him in and he had oxytocin and Xanax in his system, this was 2 years ago and it hasn't happened since but it does worry me that it could happen again.

Javon: i know Y/n, just try not to worry, you've got a lot on your plate already, i'm sure he's fine, we'll keep calling throughout the day

it's 11am now, 4 hours since i noticed Jaden was gone and we still haven't heard anything, at this point i'm really starting to worry.
i hear my phone ding and immediately check it

Big sista💕

hey bub, hospital called,
moms doing great she's
stable and awake. they found
out she had a stroke but
she's all good, should
be home in about a

that's great news! if you go
and see her please call xx

of course, how you doing? x

good x

that's good, talk later love you

love you

i definitely was not good, but i couldn't tell her that right now. at least i knew my mom was doing okay.

Javon, Jaden, Jayla, Jessica, DJ and I are all in the living room, hoping to hear something from Jaden soon. Daelos upstairs, we haven't told him anything because we don't want to scare him.
Jayla: you alright Y/n?
she comes over and puts her arm around me, i put my head on her shoulder and i feel a tear fall down my cheek
Y/n: tbh not really
Jayla: i know babes, try not to worry too much, i'm sure he's fine
Y/n: yeah
Jess: okay guys, we can't sit around worrying like this, i'm calling the police
Javon: yeah i think that's the best idea
Jayla and i just nod
DJ: y'all try and carry on with your days please, we will keep you updated if we find out anything
Jayla, Javon and I all go upstairs and sit in Javons room
Javon: Y/n how's your mom going
Y/n: she's really good, she's awake and doing okay, she should be home in about a week
Jayla: that's awesome news
Javon: that's good
Y/n: yeah it's great
Javon: you don't seem thrilled
Y/n: i'm freaking out
Javon: we all are, let's just try and keep our minds off it
Jayla: yeah come on Y/n, what do you wanna do today
Y/n: i don't think i can guys
Jayla: okay we'll just chill
Y/n: thanks
Javon: hey Y/n, one quick question have you seen Jaden take his meds the last few days?
Y/n: no but i never see him take them, your mom has control over them
Javon: i'll be back
Javon walks out

about 10 minutes later Javon comes back in
Javon: guys get in the car we're going to the pharmacy
Y/n: why?
Javon: mom thinks Jaden switched out his meds for something else, we're going to get them tested
Jayla: okay let's go
Y/n: okay
we all go to the car, except DJ and Daelo they stay at home, i'm not exited for this, i really hope he hasn't been lying telling me he's taking them. we arrive and just Jessica and Jayla go in while Javon and I stay in the car.

Javon: you reckon he did it?
Y/n: he better not have
Javon: well we'll find out soon
Y/n: i'm gonna be so pissed if he really did switch them
Javon: same.

Jessica and Jayla get back in the car, Jess looks mad
Javon: so?
Jessica: ibuprofen, it's fucking ibuprofen
Javon: are you kidding me
Jayla: nope
i had no words, i could not speak. why would he even do that

we arrive back to the Walton's house and walk in
Jess: any news
DJ: nothing, how'd it go
Jess: well he's been taking medication, not the right one though, this jar is full of ibuprofen
DJ: are you serious
Jess: dead serious
DJ: well we need to tell the police that
Jess: i'll give them a call

i run upstairs to Jadens room and throw myself on his bed, i'm so fucking mad. i know he didn't like them, but he knew they were helping, why did he have to fuck it up for himself. i grab the jumper sitting on his bed and hug it, it smells like him. i start to cry
i hear Jayla running up the stairs
Jayla: Y/n! where are you
she opens Jadens door and runs over to me
Jayla: Y/n what's going on?
Y/n: i'm so angry with him, why did he do that Jayla
Jayla: i don't know but i'm angry too
Y/n: the whole time he's been telling me "i think you should get back on your meds, they really helped you" and he's been off his for who knows how long
Jayla: i know your angry Y/n but when he's in a manic episode he doesn't know what he's doing
Y/n: yeah well how long has he been in this episode for, is his love for me just a result of his mania
Jayla: no Y/n, Jaden has loved you for years you don't have to worry about that
i don't say anything i just want him to be okay, i want to see him, touch him, hug him. i just want to know that he's alive.
Jayla: come on that sounds important
we rush down the stairs and Jessica's on the phone, DJ puts his finger to his mouth signalling for us to be quiet
Jess: mhm, yes, thank you officer
she hangs up the phone
Jess: so that was the local sherifs office, they found a 15 year old boy passed out in the park who they believe could be J, don't get too exited. this boy is definitely not all there they said, they haven't run any drug tests or anything but they think he is under the influence of some sort of drugs.

My bestfriends brother (Jaden Walton)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ