Chapter 16

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I sit in Serena's room now almost dozing off when the door opens, "ok, so you did not have a miscarriage, all the stress isn't good for the baby and it will lead up to one" the doctor says Serena groans "yeah ok" she rubs her belly a could see tears in her eyes hell I cried so hard today it's not funny "well you are up for discharge I would get in contact with your doctor and have another checkup in a week or two" Serena nods "thank you"

Once I'm home Serena is pulling in next to me a small smile on her face as she had made me get pizza since she as hungry, "you are the best" she says kissing me as she unlocks the door "I try" once she has her hands washed she's pickup up a piece "I'm so sorry about Sherry, I'm sorry I had that to add to that stress" I smile softly "we will figure things out, and it's good that you told a nurse" I tell her "I know I just can't help to feel sorry" I shrug "my sister is coming to town her, she's going to stay with us" she nods

"How dose she feel that you are with me? And that I'm pregnant?" She asks taking a bigger bite of the pizza "she'll like you let's not stress" I tell her and she nods shoving more pizza into her mouth, "I'll try not too" she tells me once she had everything down "good, now tomorrow I'll go back to work but I need you and Elaine to call me if something happens" she nods "she's coming home?" I nod Serena smiles and gets another piece "ok yeah that sounds good" I kiss her head "I'm going to go shower"


The next morning Elaine was over at 7 and she had brought me breakfast I cried my little heart out, she said "my step milf needs to be tended to" as she eyed her dad and he came back saying "I tend to her, I got her pizza last night" she rolled her eyes and handed me the French toast

"So you like it hear?" Elaine asks I nod softly looking at her "yeah I do just miss you" I admit "I've been told I act like Ma so I'm sure you really haven't" I laugh "how's your new roommate?" She shrugs "she's ok just not you"
"I'm sorry I got pregnant" I tell her and her she's widen "hey like I said my dad is making you into a hot milf I have complaints" she holds her arms up shaking her head making me roll my eyes "visiting hours start want to go?" I ask she nods "anywhere with you hot mama" I hit her hand making her laugh


I didn't expect to walk into the house later that night to see Elaine and Serena laid on the couch watching Scooby doo talking about something "hi" I say and they both look at me "how was the game?" I nod "we are going to the championships" I smile "lame" Elaine says I smile "did you tell ma I couldn't make it?" She nods Serena sighs "she asked within 5 minutes when you were coming then she asked again and again then asked who Serena's dad was" Elaine says my eyes widen "she thought I was your dad?" I ask Serena nods "let's not think about that" she tells me I nod rubbing my eyes

"She got bad over night" I say sitting down Serena rubs my back making me smile softly "it happens just sucks it all right now" Elaine hugs me I hug her back and before I knew it was crying "she'll be ok" Elaine let's a sob out I nod "I know" I feel an extra arm around me and my back starts to get wet "it's sobbing party" Serena says I move to wrap an arm around her and still hold on to Elaine "it's a good party" Elaine says I shake my head tears still down my face

Serena lays her head on my chest as we hold hands "they did cancer test they'll know by Monday" I say softly "I hope she doesn't"
"It may help end her suffering" she looks at me and sighs "lets go to sleep and not think about it" I tell her watching her eyes roll "now I'll be up all night" I rub her back and she closes her eyes letting out a soft moan of approval "feel good?" I ask she nods

I look down at her a little bit later and she is sound asleep, I smile softly, if it wasn't for Elaine and Serena and the baby in Serena I probably wouldn't make it through what's going on right now, the way she looks so peaceful I kissed her forehead and then got out of bed going downstairs, Elaine sat on the counter eating a rice Krispy while crying "come here" I tell her and she lets out a sob and gets down hugging me "do you want to go sleep with Serena?" I ask knowing that she is like me and wants contact when sad "can I?" She asks softly "yeah go ahead" she nods softly walking away picking the rice Krispy back up and then heads upstairs


When I woke up in the middle of the night to go throw up I came back to find Kens spot filled by Elaine my heart breaks more seeing dried tears on her face as she sleeps I crawl back in bed with her and wrap my arms around her "are you ok?" She asks softly "yes" I tell her she looks at me and smiles then turns away from me

The next morning I head downstairs and Ken is making breakfast "Elaine she wasn't good last night and I figured she should sleep with you"
"Yeah it's good, now that I've slept with both of you I know why she is all cuddly" he raises an eyebrow "wow I've never slept with her" Elaine says "well I have just not had sex" she nods looking at me "I mean we've kissed but I think all girls kiss their best friends at some point" I throw my arms up "we weren't going to tell him" I look at her then to him

He rubs his eyes and sighs "it's to early for this"

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