author's note

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Hey everyone, welcome to my newest book! I will be posting chapters regularly. It is of course gxg and full of magic and adventures as well as lots of fluff. No slow burn this time, I promise. I hope you'll love it! Thanks for all the support and love. 

Please kindly point out any typos or things that may not make sense; I've changed the first several chapters many times and may have missed something during editing. Comments are always welcome!

To those few people who need to hear it: Rude/racist/homophobic/otherwise contentious comments directed at me, the book, or other readers will be deleted, the comment and account reported if necessary, and/or the person muted. 😊 PLEASE BE KIND OR AT LEAST CIVIL TO EACH OTHER. Whether commenting or responding to another reader's comments, please ask yourself if your comment is antagonizing or argumentative before posting. 

Keep in mind characters in books are not perfect, and the characters experiencing growth is part of the book itself; as such, please do not trash my characters. If you absolutely feel the need to comment why you disagree with something a character does/says/etc, go ahead and send it through the politeness filter first, thanks.

I am honored to be a Wattpad Creator and Wattpad Star, as well as part of the Paid Stories program (most of my books, such as this one, are free)! Feel free to check out my profile and some of my other books, which are all completed. 

This book is copyrighted ©2022 Lynn Sabrina :)

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