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The next day I was so distracted by her behind me, pressed up against me, it's a wonder I didn't fall off Grim.

It was midafternoon when we landed near the pixies' village so Grim could shift to his human form, leaving us to walk in. It also appeared that a world market could be found only half an hour's flight away, which was lucky timing. There were few maps of the world, as the landscape was prone to shifting and you could never be sure any certain location would be where it was before. To stumble upon one of the large trader marts was fortuitous, and meant we could stock up on food and other necessities. They brought folk of all kinds together to shop for just about anything you could wish to buy.

As far as purchasing things went, Grim and I didn't want for money; there had been a handful of wealthy rescuees who insisted on rewarding us, which was how my little room was kept well-stocked.

We'll escort them the rest of the way and then head over to it, he sent to me as we made our way along the overgrown path, trying to sound nonchalant.

I knew he was getting excited though. He loved the noise, the hustle and bustle of the vendors shouting, the enormous variety of food and drink, all of it. Me, not so much. Maybe you could just go and we'll camp.

Ha, you just want to be alone with her, he ragged me. I see you.

Shut up, so what. She's probably not interested either, it doesn't seem like her thing.

Oh damn, you already know what her things are, I'll be sure to pick up a nice tux for the wedding.

I ignored him, turning to her. "You want to go to the big market tonight?"

She stopped in her tracks, looking stricken.

"Or stay at camp where it's nice and quiet and unpopulated," I added in a rush. "Which is what I'm doing. Grim can get anything we need; he'll be there all night most likely."

"And maybe tomorrow," he agreed easily. If we ever get these two home.

"Camp," she said decidedly, moving again. "So much camp."

Calypso chimed in. "I can't imagine desiring to go to those loud, smelly bazaars," they said with a theatrical shudder from just above and ahead of us. "So much shouting and wall to wall barbarians."

"You're absolutely right, my dear, couldn't be louder," Cosmo rushed to agree. "And heathens, I'm sure. So barbaric and noisome."

"We'll be glad when it gets relocated," they added with a sniff.

"So glad, my love. Delighted, we'll be."

"Can't wait," Grim said. "Plan to be there in an hour at most."

"But surely you'll come to the feast that will be thrown in your honor for rescuing us and giving us safe passage home?" Cosmo fretted. 

I sighed. I wasn't a huge fan of feasts, or meeting people, or talking to them, but such things did go with the territory now and then. It was better than the market, anyway, and it would be quite rude to decline such an offer.

"I decline," Grimmer said smoothly. "Respectfully."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "On what grounds?"

He snorted. On the grounds of I'm a fucking dragon, and I do what I want. Out loud he said, "Important dragon business, can't be avoided, such a shame."

"You're incorrigible," I told him, but knew there was no use arguing. He'd never been one for dressing up and acting sociable in fancy company, and the call to socialize his own way and get into some trouble was strong.

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