twenty one

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Sylvie stilled at the admission. I sat back up, leaving my hands on her shoulders. Physical affection was my love language and she always seemed to welcome it.

Fret not, for your tales are your own to tell, Ameretat assured her. I would like to offer you a suggestion for your wish, if you would hear it. She was answered with a nod. I could make you a ring that you can wear during the times your memories are too much, and it will put them out of your mind for a spell.

Surprise bloomed around my girlfriend in a cloud of sparkly yellow.

The Unicorn continued. It will require a recharging period between uses, though you should be able to use it twice a month, if necessary. Would you like to think on it?

Sylvie looked up at me. "Are you of the opinion I should choose it?"

I was considering making it my wish as well. "I definitely do," I said, because mental health could be a torment, and we could use all the help we could get.

She returned her gaze to the Unicorn. "After they rescued me and fixed me up physically, Lorali did something that stripped from me a lot of angst. She...cleansed my soul somehow." She reached up again to grasp my hand for a few moments, turning her head to the side to kiss the back of it.

My eyes were stinging. "It was my honor, my friend." The deepest honor.

"I am so much more myself once more, and the memories are no longer insistently stabbing at my brain. Instead they're desaturated, and nearly powerless." She paused, choosing her words. "But I will accept this ring, with thanks, for there are nights they are emboldened and invade my every thought."

I sniffled and leaned down to hug her again as Feebur zoomed into her lap. "Tell me when it's bad, so I can support you." I knew such a thing was easier said than done.

She nodded and petted the furry critter, who chirped and purred in response.

Ameretat looked at me. And you, Quester, do you have a wish in mind?

I didn't ask for a ring like hers however, because I didn't deserve to have those memories softened. 

Grim spoke up to drown out my thoughts. "What about a trinket for Lor to allow her to self-heal?"

Alas, I cannot; it is the price all great healers must pay.

I had an idea and I briefly ran it past Grim, who agreed. "Is it possible we could have similar rings, but for extra power or strength?" I asked hesitantly. "To be used for fighting, or healing, or sharing with each other; whatever we have a need for at that time?" 

She nodded in approval. I could fashion such a thing, she answered. It would have a cooldown period of seven days, but I could infuse it with a noticeable amount of power, yes. Excellent choice. I believe they will serve you both well. She rose. I will return soon. You are quite safe here, as none can enter this Forest without permission unless they have great magic or permission. And as you've seen, there are grave consequences for those who find their way in, when they are inevitably caught.

Of that, there was no doubt. 

Sylvie fell asleep soon after we went to bed later that night, but I lay awake unable to turn my racing thoughts off. Traythyn collapsing into the dirt kept replaying in my mind's eye, and the memory Ameretat had shared with us. I had only a single picture of my mother, and to see her moving, breathing, was a precious gift indeed, even accompanied by sorrow as it was.

Join me, the Unicorn invited from the fireside.

I was reluctant to slip out of Sylvie's arm but I did, adjusting the blanket so that she was warm enough and just stopping to gaze upon her for a moment. How could any one person be so lovely? I touched her cheek with the back of my fingers and then remembered a Unicorn had summoned me and so I ducked from the tent to take my seat on the log.

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