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I wake up and get met by some kind of bars. Am I in prison?
I sit up and look around, trying to take in my surroundings. Of what I can see, this is a room for babies, a nursery.
There are different kinds of cartoon animals on the wallpaper and on the other side of the room there is a changing table. There are also alot of diapers stacked on shelves and many other baby stuff nearby.

By that I can also establish that I'm not inside a prison cell but a crib.
But all of this do still not answer my question to where the hell I am.
So I stand up in an attempt to get out of here but fail miserably as I fall directly back down on my butt.
Just then in that moment, I look down and realize what I'm wearing. A baby blue onesie with a panda on it and I also feel something thick between my legs. Is that a... No it can't be. I'm not a baby.

As I think that,the door opens and mr Nelson walks in to the room.
What the fuck?
He makes his way towards me with a smile on his face. As he reaches the crib, he opens it and picks me up. I try to push him away but to no avail, he is too strong. So I lean onto him as he strokes my back and whispers sweet nothings to me.
"It's okay baby, daddy is here now"

I wake up by the sound of my alarm beeping fucking loud. I grunt and reach for my alarm clock. It takes almost ten attempts to find the right button, only to then realize that the sound is coming from my phone.
After turning off the alarm, I put the phone back on the bedside table and lay down again.
What kinda weird dream was that?

On my way to school I get an e-mail from Mr Nelson, reminding me of the extra lesson after school today. As if I would go there. No way in hell that is happening.
First he orders me around, then he spanks me and then he has the audacity to show up in my dreams. A weirdo and an asshat, that is what he is and I'm not gonna let him have his way with me no more.
I delete the email and keep on walking like nothing ever happened.

While entering the school I get greeted by some of my friends,which are all two years younger than me.
Even at my spare time I hang out with my neighbours who are like four years younger than me.
The reason for that is that I have much more in common with them than what I have with people who are my age. That's why I also don't really have any friends in my class.

The school day goes on like usual and lucky me, I didn't have any lessons with Mr Nelson today but just when I'm about to leave, he sends me an email again. In the first email which I deleted, he told me to meet him in a classroom of some sort but in this one he has changed his mind and tells me to meet him at the parking lot.


I stand by my car at the parking lot, waiting for Hayden to meet me here because I have come up with an idea that he probably will appreciate.
After five minutes or so, I can see Hayden walking a few metres away from where I'm standing. He doesn't seem to notice me or he's just trying to ignore me. The second option is most likely the case. So I try to reach out to him but he just keeps on walking.

With no other option, I start to walk towards him.
"Hayden" I say loud and clear, which makes him turn around to look at me. "What?" he snarls.
"Don't give me that attitude mister" I say sternly and Hayden rolls his eyes at me. It makes me want to bend him over my lap and spank him right here and now but I restrain myself, because now isn't the time.
"I know that you don't like school. So instead of having extra classes here, we could have them at my place. To make a more comfortable atmosphere, where you can concentrate better. How about it?"
Hayden just glares at me without saying anything. Which is the reaction I thought I would get from him. That or him yelling and swearing at me.

But somehow he agrees to it and follows me into the car.


It is kinda weird that he asked me to come to his place but at the same time it is exciting to see how Mr Weirdo lives. Maybe I could find a dirty secret and get him busted.
Because I already know that he is capable of some weird shit, after what he did to me. So who knows what else he is hiding?

As we sit down by the kitchen table, ready to start, I can feel my bladder filling up. "I need to use the bathroom" I inform and stand up quickly.
"Okay, it's in the hall on the right. But don't take too long" he says while adjusting his glasses. I nod and walk away.

When I'm done with my business, I walk out from the bathroom and decide to look around a little bit. Another door is nearby so I approach it and open it gently. What's inside makes me too stunned to speak.

It's a nursery and it almost looks identical to the one in my dream.
A shiver run down my spine and I slowly close the door shut.

"What are you doing?"
I turn around to find Mr Nelson standing there with his arms crossed and a serious expression on his face.
"Nothing" I say and look away from him.
"Don't lie to me. You were just now being a bad boy, sneaking off on your own and opening doors you're not supposed to. I gave you permission to go to the bathroom, nothing more." He says with a serious tone in his voice. "So you better tell daddy that you're sorry or I'll have to give you a light punishment. Okay?" This time his voice is a little bit more gentle.

I look at him in disbelief, trying not to cringe at his words. Is this guy for real?
As answer to my own question, yes he is for real and will most likely give me a punishment if I don't do as he says. So there's nothing else to do but comply.
"Sorry what?"
I give him a questioning look. What does he mean by that? What does he want me to say? Then it hits me and I get embarrassed by my own thought. It can't be. But at the same time, yes it can be exactly what he wants me to say. No matter how much it hurts, I have to say it. So I swallow my pride and take a deep breath.
"Sorry daddy"
At that moment all my hopes and dreams fade away. My pride get wings and flies away to somewhere I can't reach. My mind goes blank and I'm almost on the verge of tears. I can't believe I said that.

But to my surprise Mr Nelson chuckles. "I meant 'Sorry for sneaking off on my own and opening doors I'm not supposed to' but that works too" he says.
Then he smiles and ruffles my hair.
"Good boy"

The teacher's babyWhere stories live. Discover now