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Hayden has been very obedient and quiet the last minutes, which is kinda weird because he is usually the complete opposite.
This behavior began after he saw the nursery and I scolded him. Maybe I went too far? No that can't be it.
I admit that what happened last week, me spanking him was me taking it too far but this was just a normal scolding and nothing more than that.

Maybe I should tell him about the nursery and explain everything to him? No, he already thinks I'm weird and dislikes me as it is.
And as a teacher I shouldn't talk about my personal life with my students.
It's frustrating because Hayden seems to be a perfect little.
I haven't had a little in two years now and I miss having someone to take care of like that. I'm a daddy after all.

I sigh and look at Hayden as he is fully concentrating on the history book. He has been on the same page a few minutes now , so I don't know if he's actually reading or if he just pretends to.


I try my hardest to concentrate on the book, so I don't have to look at Mr. Nelson. Because I'm too embarrassed to do so, after what happened earlier.
He did what he always does, treating me like a fucking baby. It's so weird and I don't why he does it. He even calls himself daddy and keeps calling me his baby boy. I'm not a baby dammit!
But I gotta admit that it does feel good to be praised and called a good boy...
No,stop it!
I cringe and get flustered by my own thoughts, trying to shake it off.

Then I hear Mr.Nelson clearing his throat.
"How's it going?" he asks and comes closer to me.
"Good" I answer without looking at him
"So, you don't need any help?"
"That's good" he says "But if you do, just ask me. Okay?"

At that moment I turn to look at him.
"I do have a question."
"Okay, what is it?" he asks and looks at me curiously.
"Why do you treat me like a baby?"
The words just fly out of my mouth and mr. Nelson looks confused at first but almost right after changes his expression while adjusting his glasses.


He told me about something called ageplay and said that he is a daddy who wants someone to take care of. He also said that I would be a perfect little, whatever that means... and that he would want me to be his baby. So now I'm at loss for words, just staring off into space.
It's a little weird that he told me all this... but now I know for sure, that he really is a weirdo. And I probably know what the nursery is for...
No! I don't want to think about it. Disgusting!

"I'll drive you home" my thoughts get distracted by Mr. Nelson and I look up at him " I shouldn't have taken you here" he says with a serious tone in his voice while taking his keys and getting his jacket.
"And I especially shouldn't have told you all that, I'm sorry" he looks at me and I can't help but look away.

"No it's fine, I'll walk home by myself" I say, taking all my stuff and leave without looking back.
When I reach the outside, I can't help but feel a little bit overwhelmed by everything that happened and out of nowhere tears start to fall down my cheeks.
Shit. Why am I crying?

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