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I step out of the apartment and lock the door behind me.
It's now Tuesday morning and we're off to school again.
But first, I'll stop at the bus station to drop William off because even though I told him that he could stay, he insisted on going home.

I open the car door and I'm about to hop in when I see Hayden walking off by the road.
"Where are you going?" I ask.
"To school." He says over his shoulder while he keeps on walking.

I'm actually surprised that Hayden even answered me because he has been keeping his distance from me and has barely been talking to me since yesterday afternoon.

Even last night and also this morning when he needed a diaper change, he was persistent about changing his diaper by himself. No matter how much he struggled and how long it took, he wouldn't let me help. Not even one bit.

And now he has decided to walk to school instead of letting me drive him.

It's like he's telling me that he doesn't need me anymore and that he wants to be independent. I mean, he is eighteen, so it's understandable. But I just love to feel needed, so it would hurt a little bit if that's the case.

Or this is all just a part of his grieving process, where he needs to be alone and figure some things out.

Or he's angry at me for something.
But what?

I sigh.
"Okay then, see you there."

Normally, I would have tried to convince him to stop with this nonsense and hop in the car, but I don't have the time or the energy to do so right now.
Hayden doesn't seem to be in the mood either, so I choose to let it go.


I can sense the weird tension between them. What kind of situation is this?

Hayden seems to be angry at Owen, but I have no idea why.

However, their relationship seem to be much deeper than I thought, but I can't really wrap my head around it.
Owen said that he would tell me about this special circumstance, but he hasn't done that yet. So I still have no clue what's going on, except for the fact that they are a teacher and a student who live together.

But I will find out the truth eventually, I'll just have to wait and see.
Until then, I'm leaving them alone to talk and make up.
I just don't feel like being in the middle of whatever this is, and I would only be in the way if I stay.


"Are you really gonna be okay?" Owen asks after stopping the car and looks over at me.
"Yes, I'll be fine." I say with an assuring smile while looking at him.
"But thank you for everything you've done and are doing for me. I really appreciate it."
He smiles slightly and I hug him. He hugs me back.

"Text me when you get home." he says when we release the hug.
"I will." I say and nod.

Then I open the car door and get out.


I barely got any sleep last night because my thoughts were all over the place. And on top of that, the strange man whose name I now know is William had to of fucking course stay over the night.

Mr Nelson had offered to sleep on the couch so that William and I could use the bed, but I didn't feel like sharing a bed with any of them. Not with these feelings. So, I chose to sleep on the couch instead.
It wasn't the most comfortable option but at least I had Grayson by my side. I held him tight in my arms through the whole night, which gave me some comfort.

Anyway, it's probably for the best if I get a job and find my own place as soon as possible. Just anything to get me out of this fucking mess and so I don't have to feel like this anymore...

I sigh in frustration and enter the school.

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