Chapter 33

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Leila tapped her pencil repeatedly on her desk as she sat at her cubicle. She grumbled to herself as the prior evening came to mind. She finally had gathered the courage to once again ask Mia what was wrong, but Mia had quickly ducked, and Leila had foolishly let her. Perhaps Leila was still the same coward after all.

Leila sighed and stared at her computer screen. She wondered if Julian would be lounging on her couch when she came home. It felt like he had been over every day recently. He'd already spent the night twice in the past week, and Leila assumed it wouldn't be long before he spent the night again. She had made little comments here and there to try to suggest Julian spend less time at the apartment, but Mia wasn't around often enough for Leila to bring up her concerns about Julian in more detail.

Though Leila was beginning to feel like a stranger in her own home, Leila still couldn't help but love Mia. She knew something was troubling Mia. She wished Mia would speak to her. Hadn't she promised to that evening she came crying to Leila?

Mia had always been difficult to read, ever since they were children. Her communication had always been lackluster, but somehow or other, Leila had always been able to sense when something was wrong. Now, after a years-long separation, Leila couldn't quite pick up on those signals as well. Mia's attitude completely alluded Leila.

I guess I'll try again tonight, Leila thought. Perhaps Mia was more stubborn than her, but Leila could also be persistent as well. Mia was a fool if she thought she'd be free from refusing to talk to Leila forever.

She made a promise to herself that she'd talk to Mia no matter what, even if Mia tried to use Julian as an excuse to get away.

Later that evening, Leila walked up the stairs to her apartment, her hands trembling. She'd never been good at confrontation. She hadn't even been able to be honest with Helen about the fact she was most likely not going to apply for the job in Connecticut, but Leila cared about Mia too much. She had to make sure Mia was okay.

Outside of the door, Leila heard laughter. She froze, turned the key, and slowly opened the door.

Just as she suspected, Julian was lounging on the couch, which was practically his permanent residence at this point. Mia was sitting beside him, her hand on his arm, laughing along with him.

Leila let the door creak open slowly and stood, staring at them. She had not received any word from Mia that he would be over, and judging by the duffel bag she saw in the hallway, it seemed Julian also would be spending the night.

"Oh! Leila," Mia said, seeming surprised.

Leila wondered if she actually looked intimidating. She certainly felt that way. Looking at Julian had always made her want to hurl, but tonight, his very sight made her blood boil. What was worse, Fuji wasn't there to greet her at the door. Strangely enough though, she could hear yowling in the distance.

"Where's Fuji?" Leila asked.

"Shut him in your room. He kept trying to claw at me," Julian said.

Leila immediately rushed down the hallway. As soon as she opened her bedroom door, Fuji sprang into the hallway. Though he began his usual cries for dinner, Leila scooped him in his arms and glared at Julian.

"Get out," Leila told him.

Julian looked at her, seeming surprised. "Huh?"

"You heard me. Get out," Leila repeated.

Julian slowly stood from the couch, but Mia held out her hand in front of him to stop him.

"Woah, hey!" Mia exclaimed. "What's wrong?" Mia asked Leila.

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