Chapter 43

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Leila's palms were sweating as she stood outside on her parents' front porch in the cold November air. Weeks prior, she'd shown up in tears after her fight with Mia, but now, Mia was accompanying her to Thanksgiving dinner. It was amazing to think how much had changed since that time.

Leila glanced to her side where Mia stood. Under the glow of the porch light, she didn't appear nervous. Her gaze was focused on the door, and any worry she had was masked by her neutral expression.

"Something wrong?" Mia asked, noticing Leila's stare.

Leila shook her head and, with a deep breath, pushed the front door open. Immediately, she was greeted by the comforting scent of Thanksgiving food - turkey, mashed potatoes, and brussel sprouts. Leila couldn't wait to begin digging in.

As Leila shrugged her warm, winter coat from her shoulders, she turned to Mia.

"I can take your coat," Leila offered. Mia nodded and slid her coat off slowly.

With both coats in hand, Leila briefly turned the corner to lay them down beside the others in the office, but hearing footsteps, she turned, noticing Mia was following her.

"You can go out and say hi to my family, you know," Leila said. In the living room, she could already hear friendly chatter among her relatives.

Mia lingered awkwardly. In a low voice, she uttered, "What if they're mad at me?"

Leila paused. She supposed it was foolish of her to think Mia wouldn't be nervous. However, Leila knew her family, and she knew that despite all that had happened, they'd continue to welcome Mia was a guest.

"They won't be mad," Leila assured her.

"But last time you were was because of me," Mia murmured. She shuffled her feet nervously. "I have to be honest, Leila. I don't feel like I deserve to be here. That's the reason I was so hesitant coming here tonight."

"Stop," Leila said. She gently rested her palm on Mia's shoulder. "You've apologized. I've apologized. We've forgiven each other. We're fine now. Besides, it was my mom's idea to invite you anyway. Let's just go enjoy the food and company, okay?"

Mia nodded slowly, and together, they left the office and headed into the living room. Leila's father was occupied in the kitchen as he made the finishing touches on dinner, but her mother, Gavin, and Shannon were all seated around the television as the Thanksgiving football game played in the background.

"Oh! I didn't even hear you come in!" Leila's mother exclaimed when they entered the room. She quickly stood up and wrapped Leila in a tight hug, as if she hadn't seen her only a few days earlier at their usual family dinner.

Leila's mother turned, extending her arms to hug Mia now.

"Mia, it's so good to see you!" she exclaimed. Leila watched the fear reflect in Mia's eyes as she was dragged into Leila's mother's arms, but Mia settled into the hug a moment later.

"Thanks so much for inviting me," Mia said. "You really didn't have to—"

"Nonsense," Leila's mother said, waving her hand.

As Shannon stood, Leila could clearly see the small bump beginning to form underneath her sweater. She was once again met with excitement over the fact that she would become an aunt soon.

"So glad you could come," Shannon said, giving Leila a hug as well.

"You're looking great!" Leila told her. "Are you feeling better now that the first trimester is over?"

"Much better," Shannon assured her. She looked past Leila to Mia. "Hello, Mia," she said, moving to give Mia a hug as well.

As they pulled away, Mia stared at her awkwardly. "Congratulations. I didn't know you were pregnant."

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