Author's Note

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Dear Reader,

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for reading Can You Hear the Ocean?. For those reading week-by-week, I know this was the slowest slow-burn I've ever written, so thank you for your patience. Your kind comments and enthusiasm over the story and the characters touched me deeply. At the end of the day, I wanted this novel to be a character study with nostalgic sentiments and a lingering romance. I hope I accomplished that in some form.

I have to admit, this novel was a grueling process. I began this novel shortly after finishing undergrad and wrote the entirety of it while also working a full-time job. As someone who usually writes in the morning, this was a difficult change to adjust to. For this reason, I struggled often in the writing process, and the truth is, I'm still not completely satisfied with this work. It took me a very long time to finish this novel, and unfortunately, out of my newer novels, it has received the most negative criticism, which made it hard to find motivation to keep writing and editing at times. If I had the time, I'd love to keep polishing this novel, but I feel ready to move on from this novel and begin my next writing project.

If you want to check out my latest LGBTQ+ fantasy novel, Ad Astra, here is the link: (also available as the external link on this page)

Here's a glimpse into the synopsis:

"In the colonized country of Landiani, Fetia is no stranger to the oppressive tactics of the Magnuvians, who first conquered the nation decades prior to drain Landiani of its magical resources. When a long-awaited opportunity arises for Fetia and her younger sister, Kiana, to aid in the liberation of their country, Fetia is sent to Esterpool, where the Magnuvian royal princess, Asteria, resides. The plan is simple; under the guise of a maid, Fetia will gain valuable information of the royal family from Princess Asteria, and together, she and Kiana will use their knowledge to assassinate the royal family, and consequently destroy Magnuvia. The only problem? Princess Asteria is dangerously more beautiful and charming than Fetia expected. Will Fetia be able to follow through with the plan, or will Princess Asteria be too great of a temptation to resist? Find out in the first book of the duology, 'Ad Astra.'"

Thanks again for reading, and if you're looking for something of mine to quench your queer fiction thirst in the meantime, you can check out my other two completed novels: Autumn Leaves and Teenage Dreams  ( or When the Violin Sings (

Keep on reading,


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