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An interesting Christian romance story that won first place in the WCWRC IN-HOUSE CONTEST, SEASON ONE, 2021 Edition.


Claudia Salcorm smiled like a girl about to enter her dream college after being homeschooled all her life. Soon, in a few hours really, she'd discard her father's name and bear the name of the one she had fallen so crazily in love with.

As she walked to her room's balcony, drowning out the cacophonic chatter and girly giggles of her bridal train who were in the adjoining room, her glazing white, full-skirted, off-shoulder gown which was amply studded with pearls and artificial diamonds at the bodice, swished about her feet about which was strapped a low-wedged silver sandal-a compliment to her silver accessories.

Presently, she was the only one in her room. Her mom left some minutes ago to retouch her makeover because she had shed tears when she saw her only baby girded up like an angel about to fly away. Her bridesmaid and bestie since childhood (if we overlook the countless wars between them), Mabel Preshton-Maybee as Claudia fondly nicknamed her-who had helped her to dress up, style her soft brown hair into the curly mass that held the comb of the silvery veil, and applied the slight makeup that highlighted her strikingly gorgeous facial features, was humming an off-key tune under the pouring shower in the bathroom. Claudia could only hope the girl doesn't exfoliate her skin.

As the fresh 11:00 am sun, mingled with breeze, hit her fair skin, Claudia sighed out loud while holding the railing and gazing at the interlocking of the compound floor. Gosh, she was so going to miss home.

She was still dazed that she was getting married. It seemed to her as though time skipped so fast in a blur.

She wondered what Ben was doing right now. Was he thinking of her? Was he having a fit of nerves? Or was he as cool, handsome and collected as ever?

She didn't think she had the qualifications to date, not to talk of marrying, Benjamin Reed. He was a pastor and a gifted gospel artiste on fire for the Lord, who had the connections to travel internationally for his ministrations. It was on one of such occasions that he met her, a lead singer at Saints of Yahweh Tabernacle, South Berma. After six months of correspondence through emails, he met her, out of a busy schedule, in a quaint restaurant overlooking a beach, and startled her with the most romantic proposal of all time.

She was flushed to her marrow. God had apparently kept the best for her. Without hesitation, without even praying about it, which wasn't her usual style, she had squealed a 'yes' to him. The first kiss was what melted her heart completely.
Surely this was God's perfect will for her, no questions asked, she had concluded.

She began to rehearse the vocals of the song she wanted to present before her vows. She had composed it herself. A love song. One this time not directed to Jesus but to the bone of her bones and the flesh of her flesh.

"Yo! Whatcha doin' gurl?"

Claudia jumped, spun and held her chest simultaneously.

"Lord, Maybee! You startled me!" she gasped.

"Sorry! Didn't mean to. And for the record, it isn't right for a bride to brood on her wedding day. What if you get a high BP? Your groom will simply slaughter me," Mabel said with a sly grin.

Claudia chuckled.

"I wasn't brooding. I was thanking God for my luck. Girl, I'm getting married. I'm getting married..."

Mabel, knowing what was coming next, rolled her eyes.

"Here we go again," she whispered to herself, smiling.

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