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Love Contest

Dora held the door and stared at the model-magazine-worthy greek god standing in front of her. A shy, surprised smile forming on her lips.

Asher Kinnoen, the youth leader of their campus fellowship, most eligible bachelor in Atlanta State University, rich and trim to the core, had come to visit their apartment?

Wow! This was a once-in-a-billion-years phenomenon.
What was he doing here?

Oh, no! She hoped that her sleepy-eyed state wasn't so bad. Bulgy eyes, ruffled hair, crusty lips, bad breath.
She had been enjoying the afternoon nap, after hours of staying up in the night to complete an online course.

He blinked as if to register if she was the one he came to see or not. She knew that look. It was the disadvantage of being an identical twin. The only distinguishing factor between her and her sister was the type of hair they had. While Diana had a mass of curly auburn hair which she often tinted-wine, gold, orange-as she liked, Dora had mild wavy brown hair which was very long.

"Hi! Um, may I come in? You are Dora right?"

Hope rose in her-he remembered her name-but using her mastered skill of masking her true feelings, she said, "Oh, Pastor Asher, pardon my bad manners. Come in!"
She opened the door fully.

He smiled as he stepped in and she felt her knees go weak.
"Hey! How many times do I have to tell you to drop the title? Just call me Asher. Your sister called. How is her health now?"

Dora's brows scrunched up in confusion. Her health?

Out of nowhere, Diana appeared, shoved her away from his proximity and said in that annoying pitch of hers, "Well, hello! What a pleasant surprise, Asher. You came!"

He chuckled. "You called me, Diana, demanded I come. Here, I got you some fruit. I hope you're better now. Have you started medication?"

Diana rubbed her shoulders and faked a shiver.
"Yeah, I took some aspirin. Though I still feel a bit feverish."

Concern crossed Asher's face and he placed the back of his palm on her forehead.

Dora stood at the sideline, watching both of them, fuming. Since when did they get to a first name basis?

Dora had been suspecting for a while now that her sister was bent on having Asher for herself.

The religious going to all youth meetings in the dusty Warehouse-turned-church, despite the fact that she always pressed her phone all through the message unless it was Pastor Asher preaching,

Lately, Diana would chat online with someone and be giggling all through. She was very secretive about it too-the girl practically changes her social apps password everyday.

How dared she?

Diana had always been her competition right from childhood. Before their parents died in the plane crash, they practically worshipped Diana like she was some goddess, not knowing all she did was steal her ideas and take the credit for it-ideas Dora was absolutely shy to showcase herself.

Ever since the singing competition when her sister found a way for her parents to ground her and she went ahead to sing the song Dora had been practising for days, Dora developed a silent, simmering resentment against her sister. Sometimes she wished she had magic to un-sister herself from the girl.

"What would you like to have, Asher?" Diana asked in her saccharine voice, crossing her flawless long legs-the bum shorts was doing a great job of displaying her skin, much to Dora's irritation.

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