She's Mine !

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Steven drove to Cafe Premiere, and then he drove to the hamburger joint, but Jeff wasn't anywhere in sight. He was full of blinding rage.

He drove to Jeff's house and rang the doorbell, Jeff's younger sister answered the door and he asked to talk to Jeff. The  girl called out Jeff's name and he appeared at the door seconds later.

"Leave her alone or I will rip your throat out!" Steven warned in a dangerous tone of voice.

Jeff stepped outside and pulled the door shut so his family will not hear them, "Leave who alone?"

"Stay away from Abby!" Steven roared.

"And who are you that you think you can come over here and dictate to me whom I can talk to?"

"She belongs to me now and I'm warning you to stay away from her!"

"Abby belongs to no one," Jeff yelled, "she is not an object that you can claim yours."

"She loves me and wants to be with me!"

"She loves me too," Jeff spit out, "and I will fight for her if I have to!"

Crazy out of his mind, Steven balled his hand into a fist and rammed it on Jeff's nose, then all hell broke loose, fists were flying left and right and blood spilled everywhere until Jeff's father opened the door and yelled, "What the hell is going on here," he looked from his son to Steven and then back at his son, "Go inside now!" He yelled at his son.

Jeff wiped the blood from his face and threw Steven a dirty look before he disappeared inside the house.

"Go home son, we don't want trouble here!" Jeff's father said to Steven, before he stepped back inside his house and closed the door in his face.

Steven walked away angrily, Jeff's words echoed in his head. She loves me too, he had said, and when Steven got in his car, he sped away like a madman.

Five minutes later he was outside Abby's home again. Getting out of his car he walked to the front door and pounded his fists on it.

When Claire opened the door, Steven pushed her to the side and entered the house. Abby was sitting on the couch and she was in tears. He turned around and roared, "leave us!"

Claire looked from Steven to Abby not knowing what to do.

"Leave!" He bellowed again, and Claire grabbed her purse and rushed out of Abby's house.

Steven walked to where Abby sat and grabbed her hand and pulled her in a standing position. "It's me or him, choose now!"

"What?" Abby was stunned by his words.

"I'm not going to be playing games with you, choose now, me or him!"

Abby swallowed, and choked back a sob, "Why do I have to choose?" She asked, confused by his question.

Steven stared at her with disbelief, "I always thought you were special Abby, but I guess I was wrong." He told her and walked towards the door.

"Please Steven wait!" She cried and ran after him, "I don't know what you are talking about!"

Placing his palms on the wooden door, Steven dropped his chin on his chest and was silent for a moment. Abby held her breath, not knowing what Steven was thinking.

"Please Steven," she begged, "talk to me, tell me what you are thinking."

Steven turned around slowly and his eyes pierced into hers, he tried to read her, but he couldn't, "Why didn't you tell me from the beginning that you love Jeff, why would you think that I would be willing to share you?"

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