The Baby

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Steven waited in his car for hours, his mind was full of turmoil and his heart with stabbing pain, is that why Abby never cared about her appearance, was she hiding behind her clown outfits not to draw attention to her beautiful looks? How long has that monster been abusing her and why hadn't she opened up to him about it. He thought they talked about everything, but now he knew that he was wrong.

Claire had called him hours ago with the good news that Abby was doing a little better, but the doctors had decided to keep her in the hospital for a few days to make sure she recovered completely from her horrible ordeal.

Parked down the street, Steven waited patiently for Abby's father to come home. He was going to rip him to pieces. What kind of a father does what he did! His eyes glistened with tears when he thought of Abby enduring all that her father had done to her.

He wanted to go to Abby and wrap his arms around her and promise her that he would protect her from now on, but he knew that Jeff had taken that role away from him. The pain and suffering he had endured in the last month was unbearable, he wasn't sure how he would handle staying away from Abby, there were nights that he felt like climbing up her bedroom window and crawling into bed with her just to wrap his arms around her one more time, and he would have done it, but fear of rejection kept him away.

He will love her forever he knew that without a doubt. He was going to protect her from afar, and make sure that she was happy, and if that meant taking a step back to allow Jeff to have her, he would do it just as long as it was what she wanted. That's how much he loved her, he put her first above all else including his pain and suffering.

The street was dark and very quiet in the neighborhood, and Steven stiffened when he saw a car pull in the driveway. He got out of his car quickly and quietly closed his door. Adrenaline rushed through him as his anger mounted.

He walked swiftly and quietly behind  Abby's father and when he opened the door and took a step inside and flicked on the lights, Steven followed him inside, walked around the man and grabbed him by the neck. It all happened so fast that Abby's father did not have time to react.

"If I ever find out that you touched Abby again I will kill you with my bare hands!" Steven roared, and when the man opened his mouth to say something, Steven struck him hard on his face with his fist and broke his jaw. "You piece of shit!"

The man fell backwards and dropped on the ceramic tile, and when he tried to get himself up, Steven's foot struck him on his side and he lost his voice from the severe pain that stabbed him.

Steven pulled out his phone, and called the police, he gave the address and reported Abby's father as a sexual predator and a child molester. He told in detail what Abby's father had done to her and then hung up the phone.

"Stay away from Abby or I swear I shall kill you, you mother fucker!" Steven roared, and punched him in the face this time breaking his nose. When he finally left the house, Steven left the door open for the police to get in.

As soon as he got into his car, he saw four police cars flashing their lights, and surround Abby's house. They ran quickly inside the home. Steven drove off feeling satisfied that Abby's father will get what was coming to him.

Before he headed for home, Steven drove to lutheran general hospital and circled it a few times. Knowing that Abby was within reach and all alone in her hospital room drove him crazy, he was desperately tempted to sneak into her room and spend the night with her, but it was after visiting hours and he would be escorted out of the hospital by the police.

Was Jeff by her side right now? Was he holding her hand and comforting her? Was he looking into her beautiful eyes and telling her how much he adored her? Pain twisted in his gut knowing that Jeff now had what belonged to him.

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