The Dells

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"Oh my God!" Claire squealed with delight, "what is this, and this!" Abby's entire suitcase was filled with sexy and trendy outfits that blew Claire away. "Where did you get all of this!" Claire held up a sexy tube top and a skirt that was much too short. "Oh my God, and this!"

Abby stared at the teenie bikini and smiled, "last summer when I took that summer job I saved all my money, and little by little I bought this wardrobe just in case."

Claire raised an eye brow, "Just in case what?"

"Just in case I find a boyfriend to take me on vacation!" Abby laughed.

"And what about these?" Claire dangled a few sexy, laced underwear's in Abby's face, "why would you buy these?"

Abby blushed, "You know in case we ....."

Her eyes opened wide and Claire's mouth dropped open, "No way, you're not thinking to give it up this week are you, I mean I can't even imagine you miss Virgin Mary losing your virginity so soon!"

"It's not that soon, we've been dating for a while now and I love him and have no doubt that he loves me too," Abby explained, "I think it's time we do it."

"Well I won't judge you," Claire admitted, "I'm thinking of doing it too."

"No!" Abby walked around the bed and stood in front of her friend, "it is much too soon for you to do it, you don't even know if he loves you, boys don't respect girls who give it up too soon, why would you risk it?"

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Claire dropped her face in her hands and cried, "Is there something wrong with me, why am I always wanting to have sex, am I a slut?"

"It's been a long time since you have had a boyfriend and you feel lonely," Abby walked over to the bed and wrapped her arms around her best friend. "You are definitely not a slut, you just confuse love with sex."

"I'm not going to have sex with Anthony during this vacation." Claire decided, "you're right I am not a whore and I sure won't act like one!"

Pulling away from Claire, Abby grabbed her bikini and admired its design, "let's go meet the boys, I'm going to wear this bikini, you think Steven will be pleased?"

"Steven will be blown away if he see you in that!" Claire grabbed her bikini and asked, "how's my bikini, you think Anthony will like this?"

Nodding in answer, Abby stripped off her clown clothes and slipped into the tiny, red bikini. "He will not only like it, he will love it!"

"You know Abby, you have surprised me today."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, no one has ever seen you in anything but your thrift shop clothes, except for the spring dance."Claire explained, "and this change of appearance will blow Steven's mind away!"


"What's taking the girls so long," concern was etched on Steven's forehead, "you think we should go check on them to make sure they are ok?"

"Calm down, we are just across the street from the hotel, what could possibly have happened?" Anthony replied, "you know girls, they will probably wear fifty outfits until they find the right one!"

Steven raised the beer can to his lips and swallowed, but his eyes never left the glass doors of the hotel. He and Anthony had come down to the beach to find a good spot, but the girls were taking too long to join them and he was worried.

A few minutes later, Anthony followed Steven's gaze and his mouth dropped open, "Wow!"

Not able to speak, Steven watched as Abby and Claire walked towards them, and nothing in the world had prepared Steven for what he saw. Abby was dressed in a teenie weenie bikini showing off her round breast and her soft, olive skinned curves. She  looked like a bombshell, she was breathtaking beautiful.

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