Running Rivals

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The next few days went by quickly. After all, it was... relieving to finally have friends! Outside of just Izuku. He knew that it was healthier that way. Besides, they would always have each other, so having some people outside of that was a nice change. Ibara showed them how relaxing gardening can be, Kinoko gave some tips to overcoming shyness [>1zuku 5h0ulD t@k3 n073s<], Yui gave some insights into physics, more specifically, assistance with aerodynamics, and Kendo helped with hand to hand training. Pony offered to get her some time at the family ranch, if they were to go to the US, and Toru helped with studying art for Kamaya-sensei's class. 

However before too long, it was time for the annual Sports Festival. Class A became even more distant, all the while Katsuki was subdued for the most part. Probably because he finally realized that his actions do have consequences. He may have two strikes left, whatever that meant, but he had to choose when to turn them in, if he wanted to. Besides that, day to day life did not change. Now, though, it all came to a head during the beginning of the Sports Festival. Everyone was preparing to do their best, Ochako included.

Izuku had made a promise. Only to get involved if there was no choice. This was what Ochako wanted, because she wanted to prove her own worth. With her newfound support, the brunette's self esteem started to rebuild, and this would be a way to properly accelerate the process. Izuku had no reason not to do this. So, he'd support her the best he could, and so, in her mind, he gave her a pep talk. You got this!

I know!

Hagakure walked up from behind, and spoke to her friend, "You doing alright?"
Beaming at the invisible girl, she nodded, "Yes."
The invisible girl took  whispered to them, "Him too?"
Ochako whispered back, Izuku murmuring in her ear to the affirmative. "Yes."
"Good! Let's do our best!"

Just then, the first event started. The obstacle course. Midnight was the referee, whip at the ready to start the race at a moment's notice. "Alright, everyone, get ready!"

The students were too cluttered to get into position for the start of the race, but Ochako knew they'd need to be in the first 42. Anywhere after and they'd be cut from the competition, and, potentially, cut from the hero course. It was their duty to win this, whatever it takes. Alright, I can help, but only for about a third of the race. I don't want to wear you out before the later events!

Got it! I'll let you know if I need your help.

The R rated hero began the countdown. "3...2..."

Just focus on what you can do. Remember, you are a hero. [>D0 n07 forRg3t 7#@t!<]

"1... GO!"

Ice immediately covered the floor, sealing those with reaction times slower than a couple seconds. The hero students were ready for that, however, as they had trained their speed, mental processes in action, and preparedness. That cheap trick didn't work on any in Class A. Class B soon freed themselves, but were a few seconds behind. Present Mic was the announcer, calling out plays as they happened. "Shoto Todoroki immediately freezes the competition in place, entering the Robo Inferno as he did!"

That was close. Just keep running! She lifted herself from the ground with her natural quirk, before landing on the floor in front of the crowd. Continuing at an even pace, she worked to close the gap between her, Bakugo, and Todoroki. They were tied neck and neck, it wouldn't be long before they would leave everyone in the dust. "THE LEADERS HAVE MADE IT TO THE FALL!"

The Fall? She barely registered that before Izuku called to her, realizing what it was. STOP!

Skidding to a halt, she was barely able to stop herself from falling over the edge. Oh. That's what they meant.

Need help?

No, I got this.

Stepping back a stem, she ran and used her quirk to make herself weightless. Her clothes still had weight, only so that she wouldn't go flying off. Gracefully, she landed, and kept running. Bakugo already used his explosions to get across, and Todoroki used his ice to make a fragile bridge that broke as soon as another person stepped on it. Unfortunately, Uraraka glanced back and saw that it was Hagakure. She yelled as she fell down, unable to stop her rapid descent before a net caught her. "SO UNFORTUNATE... THOSE CAUGHT IN THAT NET CAN'T CONTINUE TO THE NEXT ROUND!"

Most students got stuck at the fall. Many fell through, but Ochako couldn't afford to worry about them. You're almost there... but it seems too easy... That was when they both noticed the lumps in the ground. Todoroki created an ice bridge to cross it, while the path cleared as soon as Katsuki's explosions even approached them. "THE LEADERS NOW HAVE TO CONTEND WITH THE TRIED AND TRUE MINEFIELD! WHILE THEY DON"T CAUSE DAMAGE, THEY CERTAINLY PACK A PUNCH!"

Pack a punch... Izu... get ready to heal.

Wait, what are you...? Oh. OH. Absolutely.. She ran, and quickly jumped on the nearest mine, which launched her about a fifth of the way. Angling her landing, she tensed for the next detonation. It was more powerful than Katsuki's nitroglycerin-fueled explosions, they both knew what that was like through experience, but Present Mic was correct. The mines lacked a punch that would come with them. Hitting three consecutively, she was about to catch up with them when she realized that even with this explosion, they'd win. So, she caught a piece of shrapnel, and threw it at the mine right in front of them. Take that! It had enough force to detonate it, halting them in their tracks. Ochako landed on the mine in front of it, and used it to propel herself into the final tunnel. Wind blew her hair back, as she started to fall to earth. Finish this off with style, the best way is with a combat roll. It'll transfer your momentum and allow you to keep running.

Will do!

She did as he suggested, and rolled on landing. Almost tripping, she ran across the finish line to a crowd. "BLASTING HER WAY TO FIRST PLACE IS THE GRAVITY GIRL HERSELF, OCHAKO URARAKA!"

Midnight congratulated her as she rested. Katsuki was furious, but Todoroki thought about how she won. Class A kept to themselves, preparing for the next round.

Next was the cavalry battle. Kendo, Shirosaki, and Setsuna offered to work with her. Hagakure promised to cheer for her victory. The fight was difficult, but they managed to hold back the other two for their allotted time. "Team Uraraka wins with 10 million points! Teams Bakugo, Todoroki, and Yaoyorozu advance to the final event!"

In between the calvary battle and the tournament, Katsuki tried to 'talk' to her "I just want to chat, Weird bitch".

Weak and afraid, she tried to stop him. Even though she had gained some confidence, the last time they... 'talked'... was still etched in her mind. "Don't call me that, and please leave me alone."

"Just know that I won't go fucking easy on you just because you're a bitch. You owe me a rematch after last time."

Furious, her gaze burned into Katsuki's "Last time you tried to kill me."

He sneered again. It was an ugly look, from an uglier personality. "Exactly. You need to be put in your place. You think you're..."
"I'm what, Bakugo?" Ochako couldn't believe what she was hearing. He thought she was going above her station? Really?! "You do realize that I am the one outcast from the class, and that everyone is afraid of me for something that isn't my fault. I don't know why you, and the rest of the class hate me, but I'll prove you wrong."

He smirked, glad to hear fighting spirit, if nothing else. "Good. That fighting spirit is what I'm fucking looking forward to." Without another word, the blond strutted away towards his fight. He was against Tokoyami first, and needed to prepare, even if his quirk was favored in the encounter. After his fight was ready, it was finished rather quickly... because of the fact that the stadium was well lit and Bakugo's explosions made a lot of light. It was unfair for the shadow based quirk. It was one sided and everyone knew it.

The next match would be Uraraka's first match, against her classmate Momo Yaoyorozu.

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