Repercussions of Tyranny

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Ochako fidgeted as she contemplated what to do. She'd have to go into the dorm building, but everyone would then ask where she was for the entire day. And she didn't have the emotional strength to deal with them. Not if they were going to remain the same as the days before.

Izuku offered a potential solution. Why not just fly up? You don't have to see them...

But... that was not a feasable one, in this case. I lock my balcony door. I don't want to break it...

Isn't our new friend able to pass through walls?

I don't know... he never showed that...

Right... I'm presuming because he's just an Angel... like us...

She smiled slightly at Izuku's mumbles. Even though he tried to think silently, it still slipped through when he's focused. It was kinda cute, in a way. She could picture the green haired boy doing just that... which made her frown at their current situation, but after a moment, Izuku said. Look, I'll be with you, and if they push too much, I'll get you out of there.

Thanks... Ochako strode into the room, trying to remain confident, but everyone noticed her arrival. It was Bakugo who eventually pointed it out and started to hound her like he usually does. "Oi! Weird Bitch, where were you!?"

She held her tongue and walked upstairs, ignoring him. Walking up the stairs he called out, "Don't ignore me! Where the fuck were you?!" There were more people getting involved, by the tone of voice and such. It was quite intimidating, to be honest.

Izuku was worried, You won't be able to ignore him. He's rounding up the whole class.

I know. I won't let him trash my room, though.

Where... Oh. Perfect. She had made her way to the rooftop. With her wings, she could fly away to safety if the confrontation got too violent... which was likely to be the case, considering who followed them: Bakugo. He, like the rabid dog he was, had followed. Everyone was wanting to watch this unfold. However, the brunette knew Toru would be there as well. And that gave her more confidence than before. However, when they got to the roof, the sky was emblazoned in gold, as the sunset gilded the clouds in sunlight. It was beautiful.

Turning back to him, the blond was struck by her eyes. One Emerald, one Amber, hard and determined for something. Her voice was much stronger than it had been before the Sports Festival, which made sense. What didn't, to him, was why she was absent all day. "Why are you bothering me?"

Growling in anger, he stated what was on his mind. It was honestly obsessive and more than a bit creepy. "Because you were fucking gone! The first person to be anywhere near my equal, yet you were missing from class!"

However, before he could even do anything, Toru had reached their position, and stepped in between them both. "It's her choice to tell. Not yours."
Stepping closer, the explosive blond refused to back off, even metaphorically: "Step aside extra! This is between..."
Ochako finally spoke, angered at how this... pathetic boy was treating her only friend in Class A. "She is not an extra. Nobody is. Not even you. You think I'm an equal? Then why are you still treating me as if I'm not?"

He glanced around, realizing his word choice had pretty much made him look as bad as he usually sounded. The entire class was here now, and they had been losing patience with him, and gaining sympathy with the weird girl across from him. In order to remedy this, he prepared to use his favorite tool... violence. The blond was about to launch himself forward when another girl put herself next to Toru and in between them both. Jirou was, at this point, done with his nonsense. He was brash, loud on her sensitive ears, and unable to be reasonable about anything. This was the final straw. "At first I thought you were right. Because you seemed to know something about her that you really didn't. I've been distrusting of others since I was little, so I let it go. Rather you go after someone else... but you've already gone too far. I should have done something much sooner. Due to your actions... you are not a hero, and shouldn't be here."

Mina was next to stand up to him. "I agree... you've been nothing but a bully. And I didn't make the connection until the sports festival. She's been working far, far harder than you, and we've been terrible. No more."

Momo was next, as one by one, they created a barrier to protect her. "I was ignorant. Of many, many things. I just assumed that she was a loner, and went with the flow... until Kendo, my colleague at the student council, informed me of how terrible our class had been." She shook her head. "I refuse to become what we swear as heroes to fight."

Each gave their own reason, making tears form on Ochako's face. They're... standing up for me? All of them?

I don't believe it either... but it seems they are! Maybe they have changed, and we haven't noticed?

They both were welling up with emotion as all the pain they went through finally started to heal. Toru turned, and noticing her tears, brought her into a hug. She whispered, "Don't worry... I'll support both of you."
"Are... are they serious?" She whispered back, still not believing what is happening.

The invisible girl pulled back a little, so that she could see their face. In the light, for the first time, there was a little bit of translucency. They could actually see her, very faintly. "Yeah. There was a girl's night a few nights ago. I wasn't invited, but they talked to me this morning... and you were busy the entire day. The other guys agreed that it wasn't right... but... will you trust them?"
Ochako didn't know. Izuku wouldn't speak for her at this time, with everyone around them. Even if their attention was on Bakugo, having this conversation was still a risk due to Jirou and Shoji both being there. "I haven't told class B yet. But I see no way out of this. Bakugo will keep coming after us."
Toru nodded, and then let go of the hug. Still holding onto her hand, she turned, to see them all at a standstill.

It was clear that Aizawa had also arrived, having wrapped troublesome boy in his scarf. With the assurance that he was under control, the class turned to Ochako, and bowed deeply. "We are sorry for all the hurt we caused. I hope we can all start over."

Still teary, she didn't know what to say. So, with emotions running high, Izuku decided now was the time to speak for the both of them. "It's all I've ever wanted... I accept your apology."

Pausing for a moment, he allowed Ochako to speak, "Thank you for... for standing up for me. I just wish it had been sooner... I'm going to be leaving in two days."

That stunned them all, making them all stand straight and looking at her with horror. Even Bakugo was surprised. Mina started to tear up, fearing it was too late. "Oh, no, is that because of us?!"

Kinda... "Well... it was a... partial factor... but the main one is that I'm... I'm dying."

They all shouted at the same time, except Toru, "WHAT?! Why?!"

She was nervous, but gave her explanation, Paraphrasing Izuku's analysis in her mind. "Well... my quirk evolution, primarily. I can't tell you everything... but... think of me as a flame. Before I was a gentle fireplace, but now am a raging inferno... rapidly running out of fuel."

"But..." Izuku interrupted Ochako, angling her head to the right, so her green eye could primarily be seen, "There is a possible cure. I need to leave very soon, though, before it gets any worse."

However, Ochako asked after a minute, for what everyone found to be completely understandable, "I... would like some time to myself, now."

Toru asked, "Would you like me for support?"

The brunette nodded, and walked silently past them, back inside. At this point, the sky was red, and a gentle breeze chilled everyone. All they could think of is: How long has she been struggling like this without anyone's help?

Nobody saw Bakugo's expression, as something clicked in his mind. A very, very loose thought, but one that only made more sense as he thought about it. Green eyes, green feathers... same determination... fuck, why does she keep reminding me of Deku?!

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