Congratulations, You have Reached Your Destination

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Mineta walked through the woods. His new form would never get tired, and he was charged with carrying, well, more pulling the captive's bonds. Fortunately, he was unconscious, and the violette's new strength made that a non-issue... especially when he carried his mistress, piggy back style. She knew every bit about him, and knew he'd like the current situation, especially with her... assets... pressing into his back.

But one thing kept confusing him. "Who is this guy, anyways? You never explained him to me."
"It's politics, sweetie." Selina said, but continued, "you won't stop, will you?"
He didn't complain... but then again, he couldn't get enough of her touch. "Not unless you say so."
Humming approval at his phrasing, she continued. This was for his benefit, after all. Something he'd been ignorant of until now. "Good. Then I will explain, but it'll take some time. Long ago, my father was born. His brother was a jealous sort, and wanted to be better... so he sought out power. He found it, and married the daughter of light. My father, appalled by this blatant power grab, stayed away... until... well, he met mother. Then war happened not too long after... Eventually, though, my brother, Envy, fell in love with his opposite. For each Sin, there is a Virtue, after all. They had a child, and he was born. He's the cause of the ceasefire, and if we are to avoid annihilation, then we must make sure he stays hidden... within my duchy in Hell." She smiled, and whispered in his ear, seductively. "When you make sure he's back there... I'll give you a reward... how does that sound?"

She didn't need to see Mineta's lustful grin to know what his response was. They continued on, without a word.

When Ochako woke up, she started, calling out, "Sebastian!" Before realizing he was nowhere in sight.

However, Viraleur responded. She was sitting on a fallen tree, her left leg dangling down, while her right was bent up, her foot resting on the log like she was. "He's... gone... can you stand?"
"Yes..." She got to her feet, unsteadily, before coughing into her hand. More blood and mucus was ejected as her breathing became harsher. I feel absolutely terrible...

Izuku responded, I feel useless... the longer I'm conscious, the greater toll it takes, and I can't heal diseases like this... I'm going to go dormant to help protect you.

Izuku... Ochako thought, before feeling him go away. It was now when she hated her condition the most.

Viraleur held a peculiar look in her eyes. With her mask on, it was hard to tell what she was feeling, but her voice was... complimentary for a change. "You've held well... we are close. And the interlopers won't... come back... because I am here... and they weren't after you... anyways..." She stood up, and dropped down gracefully, before getting back to full height. She walked, and said, "Honestly... at this point... you've gained my respect... so... it would be a shame... if you... died... so close to the end..." She glanced at Ochako. "I... might offer support... but I would make it worse. So... you must use your strength... to make it... to the finish." A few hundred feet revealed a... structure in the distance. A building?

Approaching the building, she found that it was a small, but pristine structure, the only thing to indicate it's age being the moss and vines growing around it.

It was then that she realized... they were heading to Life. The manifestation of Life. When considering how life is at a primal state... seeing its workshop was not that surprising. "Is... is this where?"
"It does seem more like the lab I just left... well, can you open the door? I can't do so myself." Indeed, her arms were still pinned behind her back due to the straightjacket. It was now that she found it strange she had it at all. As she opened the door for them, Ochako asked, "Why... why do you have the straightjacket?"
She sighed, annoyed by the topic of conversation, but not by the question itself. "Because you humans... created it, with your... medicine. Every time I try... to break free... you find a... cure... and reapply this to... me. If I were free... like I was last... in the Middle Ages... you would not... ask... such a question..."
That disturbed her when she realized, Of course... she's free when disease is running rampant... why didn't I think of that?

It was then, however, as they approached the second door, when she heard sounds from within. A man grumbling about a failure of some kind, and then the door burst open as a bird flew through it only to crash into the wall next to her, breaking its neck in the process. What the...

A hyperactive voice, full of frustration, shook the building to its roots. "GAH, EVERY TIME I MAKE A NEW SPECIES, IT JUST DOESN'T LAST LONG! CURSE THIS INFERNAL STAGNATION!" However, at this moment, Ochako collapsed to the floor, unable to do anything else, and her eyes closed.

Viraleur saw the bird. It was beautiful, looking like a mix of a cockatoo with the coloration of a parrot, and she observed it as it flew, watching with amusement as it then recognized how bad a threat the deity was to it. In it's confusion and panic, it killed itself. Oops. And then she witnessed Ochako collapse, and knew that she was at her limit. If she is to survive, I must act. I could let the pestilence run its course... but... I admit, she's different than most. Even more so to my cousin. She pushed herself against the door, opening it to see her Life himself. With a strained voice, she called out. "Father!"
"Viraleur?" He turned, and smiled, getting away from his lab table and over to her. He cupped her face, and she was genuinely happy to be with the only person who could even bear her presence. "It's really you! How did you get out of the exclusion zone? Oh, I will need your help with some things, we have much to do!"

That reminded her. "Sebastian and Ochako Uraraka freed me. She needs your help."
He was a little annoyed, but remained smiling his mad, yet endearing smile to his daughter, "Is that the one who fainted in the hallway?"
She nodded slightly leaning into his chest. "Yes... she survived 7 different ailments from exposure to me, and fought against demons to get here."

"And you respect her? Very well." Life walked out to the hall where Ochako's prone form lay still. As soon as he saw her, he grinned, "I see! I see why Death combined their souls together. Clever... most clever indeed. I haven't had such an interesting project since the creation of humanity..."
Now that baffled her, and that was very difficult to do, mind you, considering she was, in her own right, a goddess with countless years under her belt. "What... do you mean?"
"I shall explain momentarily..." He grabbed one of her still bound arms, and dragged her into the room he was in to start with. "You know about the first gods, of course. Light, Dark, Me, etcetera, etcetera... well, you know the Goddess, right?"
Venom leaked from the deity of disease as she cursed, "That... bitch... of course I... do..."
He agreed with his daughter, and continued, "Yes, well, I've been paying attention to what she's doing all this time. Which is a remarkable shift. She's being patient. Granted, she didn't act in the first world, and the second one collapsed like the Dodo... but you get my point. She's trying to take over by collecting influential individuals. Specific people who can mess with timelines unscathed to enforce her will. We can't be influenced by such petty things like that, but mortals can. You know the twin souls here?"
She nodded, understanding dawning on her visible features. "Yes... Ochako Uraraka... and Izuku Midoriya..."
And he confirmed her suspicions. "Well, these two are two such individuals. She's clearly trying to make the girl into a powerful contender. Perhaps even a proper guardian, although which force of nature she could use is up in the air. I have a hunch, but..." He grunted with slight effort as he moved Ochako onto the table.

Viraleur completed his thought for him. "You don't know."
"I do not. The body is rapidly deteriorating, however, so I must operate quickly to save them both."

The disease goddess stood to the side as he turned his attention to them. Quickly muttering, he extended his hands forward. "The only way to save someone so critically is to boost the immune system, a wholesale evolution is needed for such a drastic measure... I should give a whole overhaul... oh, that will be such fun..." Grinning, he powered up with green lightning cascading from his fingertips, over the palm of his hand, and over to Ochako's body, and he got to work.

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