2| Police is your friend

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The moment she'd opened her eyes in the hospital, nothing seemed familiar and it terrified her so she'd pulled off the oxygen mask over her nose and pulled out the needle stuck in the back of her hand, it hurt hard after that. Her first attempt at standing on her feet had been a failure and she'd slumped to the ground. After several trials, she found her footing. There had been an extra empty bed in the room. She'd taken notice of the neatly folded dress and changed from the hospital gown into it. It fit perfectly, like it was hers to begin with. She'd made her way past the staff without anyone having to suspect or ask any question and not until she stepped outside and the early afternoon soon hit her did she feel a light spin in her head. Does she go left or right? Then, she hadn't put much thought into it and started down a path.

It might have been two, three or perhaps four hours she'd been walking and when she had a thought of going back to the hospital, she couldn't recall her way back. No one bothered to ask if she was doing okay. Not even a soul offered her water to drink and when she asked, she was shooed away for asking without payment. Well, that was until... She looked at the man by her side who was conversing with the police officer behind the counter. That was until she met him. In that darkest moment, he was like an angel.

"Look, I'm sorry but we cannot do anything if she doesn't remember her name or family's name." The light complexioned officer with three tribal marks on each cheek replied and Adedayo looked at her one more time.

"Perhaps you can search or ask if there's any missing person..."

"Oga, there's always a missing person and besides where do we start searching especially for someone who doesn't know her name." He added, this time slightly irritated.

Adedayo looked a bit puzzled. What is he to do if the police can't help with her case? He could always walk away, besides, she wasn't his responsibility but, that wasn't him. He would be incapable of walking away especially when he isn't sure of her safety.

"Here, write your name and phone number. If there's any case or I see a poster with her face, we'll contact you right away." The officer told him as he laid in front of him a long note and a pen. Adedayo looked from him to the book and to the woman beside him.

She could see his hesitation and she couldn't blame him. Her head was a mess right now. Even if she wouldn't want to be a burden on a stranger, he simply was the only good thing that has happened to her so far and she was scared to let him go. Something about him made her feel at ease.

Adedayo picked up the pen and wrote down the details that were asked of him. After, they stood outside the station and he worried about what to do next.

"The police won't be able to help, at least not today." He started when he looked at her. He knew what he could do but his sense of reasoning warned towards taking that step.

"Um... are you... will you be willing to stay at my place till then?" Not after the words left his lips did he realise how that might have sounded. Her eyes were slightly wider than before but he wasn't sure if it was for surprise or fear.

"Don't get me wrong. I'm not a kidnapper or into any sort of bad thing. I just—I'm trying to help..."

"I know." Her words caught him off guard and this time, their eyes met, steadied into each other's, the longest since they met. The confused and helpless mirage in her eyes seemed gone and he could somehow see she meant her words. Why? Probably, she was trusting him for the same reason he was willing to take her back home with him. A reason neither could explain but instead, kind of felt.

His lashes battered a few times. "Okay." He turned and led the way and she followed beside him.

When they got back to the park, there was an available bus and together, they got in. She sat by his side, packed in like sardines till there was no space left before the bus drove off and the conductor began collecting payment from each passenger. As they journeyed along, Adedayo felt every doubt any normal person could have. This was insane. He was insane. His heart raced slightly. He didn't even know her name. Clearly, she didn't know her name either. But this could turn out worse for him. She could be anyone and anything.

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