Sorry for being Selfish

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Aishwarya's POV 

Vicky felt more guilty after knowing we took care of his sister all these years. He knows everything, how we found Swathi to getting married to Anil. I never told about her cancer. 

After sometime Dr. Nethra came with nurse

"How are you feeling Dr. Aishwarya, I see you are doing great, happy with your husband" she said smiling

"I'm sorry about last night doctor, I yelled at you" I apologized

"I can understand. Take complete bed rest for a week, eat healthy food and keep yourself away from stress. You can go home, I will get your discharge papers ready. You can make appointment with your gynecologist after a week " she said

"Thank you" we both said

She left

Vicky sat on my bed looking at my tummy. I cursed myself from keeping him away from our baby

I moved my saree pallu to uncover my stomach. I'm 22 months old, my baby bump can be seen little. He looked at me, I took his hand and placed it on my stomach.

"This is our baby, our love. You don't need my permission to touch me or our baby... we belong to you" i said

He looked at me emotionally, got down from bed, bent and kissed my tummy

I felt baby move for the first time. I looked at Vicky, he had shocked expressIon. He too would have felt baby's kick. He was holding my stomach kissing our baby.

"It's first time I experienced, I'm so happy to experience with you" i said

He had happy tears

I heard knock on the door, immediately I adjusted my saree, Vicky wiped his tears.

It's Vishal

"I hope you are decent" he said smiling

His smile was replaced with confusion looking at us

"What's wrong" he asked

"Baby kicked first time" Vicky said emotionally

"I was scared, I'm so happy for you both. I got discharge papers, we can go home" he said excitedly

I looked at Vicky in fear

"What's wrong" he asked

"Please don't take me home" I pleaded

"Dr. Nethra said you are good to go home. Do you feel the need to stay" Vishal asked

"No, I don't want to go back, Nikhi...." I cried

Vicky held my hand.

"She is changed Aishu, she would never hurt you again" Vishal said

"She hates me so much, she said, she would kill me, please Vicky" i said in fear remembering last night

"I will take Nikki to my home" Vishal said

"No, it's her home" i said

"So as yours" Vishal said

"I bought apartment, I will stay there" I said. I bought it two months back, thanks to Varna. It's  fully renovated and furnished.

"Ok, wherever you are comfortable but let me stay with you" Vicky said

"Thank you Vicky. I know you love Nikki so much. I don't mind if you..."

"I can never forgive her for what she did" Vicky said angrily

I can understand his feelings, she made Vicky betrayer in my heart but he won't be happy without her in his life. They both are very close.

"Stay there till aunty and uncle return" Vishal said. I can see pain in his eyes. He loves Nikki unconditionally

Suddenly I remembered

I can never have happy life with Vicky

"Aishu what happened" they both asked

"Aunty and uncle would never accept me" I cried

"I thought you are in pain" Vicky laughed

"How can you laugh?" I shouted

"They both know who you are. Actually they both left to give us time to reconcile. Dad warned me, ' if You don't make things better by the time I return, I would kick you out'  Vicky laughed

"What?" I shouted in shock

"You are forgetting who Vikranth uncle is! He knew from the time Vicky returned home. Within five days he found everything with evidences and confronted me. I told everything" Vishal said 

"Remember the day I beat Sushanth, we argued after coming home... mom and dad heard us. Mom knew from then" Vicky said 

"They know who I am? Still they got me married to you?" I asked in shock

"They love you Aishu... they are disappointed in me" Vicky said 

I'm happy that they accepted me. Vicky dropped  me in my beach home and went home to get our bags. He came in couple of hours.

"Mom and dad were worried, all our phones were at home. I told them what happened, talk to them" he said 

I called uncle

I assured them I'm absolutely fine. 

Uncle apologized me for Vicky and especially Nikki. He said, he knew that letter was written by Nikki, not Vicky. He looked for evidences after suspecting about me and Vicky and found that letter. He could differentiate between Vicky's and Nikki's writing. 

He apologized for not telling the truth. He said, 'if Vicky knows about it, he would hate Nikki so much. I was sure you and Vicky will get back together, forgetting the past. I'm sorry for being selfish Aishu.

Nikki grew up fatherless, I'm father figure for her, I love her so much. I'm sorry for my selfishness'

My mama loves me more than Rehaan just like uncle love Nikki. I can't blame him.

I asked him not to tell about my past to anyone Swathi or Anil. I don't want anyone from my family to know.

Uncle said, 'Truth cannot be hidden forever'

Maybe, I'm not ready to face that now. Maybe never...

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