Sweet Surprise

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Aishwarya's POV 

I applied for medical leave and Vicky took off. Months of misery turned into happiness, all my worries vanished. Vicky loves me truly, married wholeheartedly. I love my baby so much but it hurt me that she was made from revenge. Now I feel blissful, our baby is made from our love not revenge. 

Small part of me was hurt that Vicky used me for his revenge but he regrets so much. I remember my mama, he repents for his crimes. I know how much it burns him. I can't let Vicky suffer like that. So I forgave him wholeheartedly but I can never forgive Nikki. 

Everyone from my department came to see me Monday evening. Vishal came after few hours we moved into the house, didn't come this whole week. He had to deal with Nikki. She regrets her actions, I guess... but I don't want to think of her.

Varna returned, I know why she went away, I wanted to give her some time to digest.  I called her and told everything, asked her to come back. I missed her so much. She is very happy for me. She is little angry with Vicky and Vishal but I asked her to forgive. They suffered equally. She too hates Nikki after knowing the whole truth and how she abused me. I have nothing to say about that.

Vicky didn't let me walk this whole week. He carried me if I had to get down which was only few times, restroom. After I insisted I can't stay in bed, he took me lawn otherwise he didn't want me to get down from bed. He made food, fed me. I'm so happy being pampered by him. I missed him so much. He made up for the lost time.

Saturday I went to hospital, didn't have much work. When I returned, most of my family was there, my parents, Mama and Rehaan. Varna was with them so I was not surprised about how they found this home but she left as soon as I came. I was scared of Vicky's reaction.

But he surprised me by taking blessings from my parents and mama, touching their feet. My family was emotional seeing me after many months and were happy to know I'm pregnant. They apologized again and again for abandoning me. 

They loved Vicky, who wouldn't love him? He made tea and snacks for everyone. Mom tried to do but Vicky didn't let. They were very happy that I'm married to someone like Vicky. 

Mom filled my pantry with healthy snacks and sweets made by her. I'm so happy to have them back in my life, I missed them so much.

They left next day evening. Mom said, they would come next week to meet Vicky's parents. I was scared about mama meeting uncle and aunty but mama said, 'I know you are married to Vikranth Bhatia's son long back'.

I was shocked and asked how. 

"After 1 month you left home, I tracked your phone and came looking for you. You sounded sad, I thought you were in trouble. I found you were living in Bhatia's home. That's when I realized you got married to his son. I know you would be happy. They wouldn't like me that's why I didn't come. Do you think I wouldn't meet you otherwise.

Rehaan told how happy you are! How much your husband and in laws love you. I thought it would be better if I stay away from your life.

But... Vikranth called me yesterday..." uncle said emotionally 

"Uncle called you?" I asked in shock

"Hmm, he forgave me, wants to forget past. He spoke to your dad and said you didn't do any wrong. It was misunderstanding. He said, they are in US would return in two weeks and come to our home as soon as they return.

We couldn't wait to see you Aishu... we missed you so much" my mama said in happy tears.

Mama thanked me. He cried in happiness that uncle forgave him. 

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