Chapter 27

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Alex's POV

It's been 2months after Zoyas surgery. It was successful and no complications afterwards. The only with that's left me and everyone else empty inside is the fact that she's not waking up. She sometimes moves her finger giving us hope that she's holding on and trying to wake up but she hasn't opened her eyes in two months.

That  day alot happened. Not only that those few months. Xemma.indded managed to penetrate into our family she even met the parents. Yeah , Alpha was really sure of her until one day he walked.into the  study where there  were some.picture of her killing people , torturing and burning  up people.

He saw how ruthless she was. He broke down infornt of  us. It was  terrible to see my brother broken like that but eventually he  picked up his last remaining saness  and acted along.  I remember how much he tried to keep he's calm and even smile while looking at her.

Xemma was a vigilant  assassin but she didn't notice  how  Alpha's  love for her was I don't know faltering. He tried his best to up.

When we knew he couldn't do it anymore we told him to break up with her.  Xemma was beyond frustrated  because she was sure Alpha was proposing to her the next day.

Knowing that she would do something out of range she attacked one of our shipments. It didn't have a lit of things since we basically led her to it.

I made sure that my men weren't greatly injured thou. After her attack she knew she had declared  war with our Familia. She was still preparing asking her allies or should I say threatening  her allies for help.

I remember coming face to face with her. She was wearing a black suit with a white necktie and black earring. Her hair was shot and she had a Python on her neck which explained everything.

"You can't get out of this one Xemma" I said with my gun pointing to her head. "Oh please like wlyou can actually kill me. Remember you got sworn in and promised never to hurt women and children. And am I not apart of one of those groups. ?" She said chuckling while her gun was pointing to my head.

"I swore not to but're a monster and a monster always gets killed eventually." I said. "You don't get  to decide  my fate" she said through gritted teeth.

"You're right. We do" I said using my gun to point to  the rest of the family.

We had her surrounded with our gun aiming at her. She chuckled nervously before her hand  began to shake. Now she was holding the gun with both hands but still her fear was a clear as day.

Andre shot her leg causing her to fall to the ground. Andrew walked to her and hit her with the back of his gun causing her to pass out.

The next day she woke up tide to a chair  in her own warehouse. She adjusted to the light and saw how drenched she was. "What is this" she said with her eyes showing so much anger that caused noone to flinch.

"One good full tank of my fuel wasted on you" said Alpha while leaning against a wall typing away on his phone.

"Fuel , what fuel." She asked. "Good question and luckily   we have a practical demonstration to show what type of fuel it is." Said Andre.

The twin walked to wards a bucket grabbing it and splashed it on a dummy. Andrew lit the match and looked and Andre who gave him a go ahead.

Just a after throwing the match stick  on the dummy the whole thing caught fir and was burning away.

The twins were clapping their hands. "What another succeful experiment. We should go down in the books of history" said Andrew. They shook hands and looked at Xemma. "Do you need the explanation  as well.?" Asked Andre. "We're always happy to help" said Andrew with a smirk plastered on his face.

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