Chapter 54

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Alex's POV

I was in my study finishing some paper works when my phone rang.

"Listen things are not sunny side up here. We're under heavy attack. She wants you to stay with your family and gather about  400 men  or more. It's really messy here. Get your wife   , children  and all the other women and elderly to safety  now." Said the voice over the phone.

I quickly ended the call and rushed upstairs. "Allan , we don't have much time. It's started. Call every wing right now I need them here.  Wolf get Star , the kids , mom  to safety.  Archie go to the main base right now and get everyone incapable  to safety. Twins I need you to take the left hallway 3 lefts 1 right and another left after. You'll reach Great grandmother Salia's  portrait get to it and change the password and the get back to the fight. We barely have time. Anderson , thank God you're home when needed notify the rest of the family that it starts now." I said and everyone when to their own ways.

I couldn't even say goodbye to my wife and kids. I don't even know if I'll survive this. All I know is I'm doing this for their safety and  it's only them that matter right now.

Getting to my closet I gear up into my black outfit and get down to the weapons bases where most of the people were gathered.

Cole's  POV

Haven't heard from me have you. Well I've been keeping  tabs on Zoya and I was shocked in what my baby sis did to Zuzu but in another context I was so proud of her.

I was at the Russian  main base  in Italy when I received a call from Anderson telling about the war. I rushed  to Vincent who was now the Don of the Russian Mafia after his dad.

"Vince , it's getting messy" I told him. He quickly understood and got up  from his seat and started barking orders to everyone else.

He had to make sure that those incapable were protected before we set out to the  Italian side. Azalea  couldn't come with this time because she was 6months pregnant and Vincent nor anyone else in the family was willing to  risk her.

So it was Me , Vincent , our uncles and aunts except for Aunt Gracious  because she didn't know how to handle a gun  and her daughter who also had the same deficiency  even after being born and raised in the Mafia they made sure to stay away from their real world covering themselves in money.

After strapping the last dagger to myself  I took a deep breathe and looked at myself in the mirror. "I'll be back soon   , handsome" I said to myself and winked.

Time to get into the real field. After all its all I've been training  for   although I'm ready I can't help but feel afraid for Zoya not because she's incapable but because she's just  like the military weapon  , she is also the highest  center of attention  right now.

Just be careful princess.

Zoya's  POV

"Aaah" this pain has become too unbearable even for me. I've just strapped a knife of the exact  same spot  where I was just stitch about 3hours ago.

I was wearing a black vest which was tucked into a black military trousers and black boots with my hair in a ponytail.

I was so much in pain that I didn't know what was causing it anymore. I was so trapped in my own web of pain that I forgot how it actually feels to be happy without having to fake it.

I'm trying by all means to keep my head above the ever rising water but unfortunately  I can't can't if I don't want to admit  it I will. I'm tired.

All I can hear are gunshots and screams. Some places are full of dead bodies and other places hold flames.

I pick up the  carbine gun that was lying next to a dead guy who was from the other side.

"Might as well use their weapons" I muttered before I started shooting at every opponent  I saw. It was either I heed shot , chest through or just venting out on your body.

I could feel myself bleeding as well but not from any bullets shot at me but due to the stitches ripping apart and tearing away from my skin.

Dillan's  POV

I was on the roof shooting down at the targets with machine gun in my hand. All I could thing of was Zoya. How she was and how she was doing. I was worried about her. Just 3hours ago she was barely unconscious  and I thought I lost her for a moment but now she's out there in the field.

From the corner of my eye I saw a lady shooting  thorough every opponent  at sight and she was moving forward everytime she shot  someone. She looked daring but another thing caught my eye. It was the blood that was leaving imprints everytime she took a step forward.

It was in the dark but he'll yes that person was my queen.

Now it wasn't just about shooting every opponent  in sight it was now about protecting my queen from any gun that was painted at her.

Just then she got to  where there was a bag of grenades. That bag was left there by which idiot know.

She looked up and made eye contact  with me.

So this time she knew I what I was doing.

Her look told me everything "cover me" was what she was trying to say  so I nodded. I started firing aimlessly to.make every person who was aiming at her loose balance and try to take cover.

She ran up the bars and climbed through the balcony until she got to me.

"I can't see anything properly " she said as she  kneeled next to me trying to catch her breathe. "Zoya , baby your-" but she out her finger on my  mouth.

"Not know Dillan." She said.

"There about 10 grenades in here that's for 7 most numbered  areas. Tell me which one you can see from here" she asked.

I looked at her and nodded. "There's one around the western side. Close to the wires there. And there's one approximately 200meters away from the other one going south there an armor truck there.  Then there's the one on the far east side. Four armor  trucks are parked there. If we could destroy them-"

"Then it's game over for them here." She said.

She stood up at took out the first grenade and threw  it to the first armor truck and it was all pants of on fire.

"I need to.get closer to the east side. I'll be back and if I don't     don't come looking for me " she said before she staggered a bit. I caught her before she could fall.

"Zoya you've suffered too much blood loss please.  I'll blow up the one on the eastern side. You're hurting yourself a bit too much just listen" I said.

She grabbed my shoulders and pushed me to the ground  and she got a bullet  through her shoulder.

"ZOYA !" I yelled as I caught her before her head hit the ground.

Why did she take a bullet for me after everything.

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