Chapter 43

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Zoya's POV

I got back to Lino and Liam's  place I still had a few minutes before they came to check on me.

Putting on a hoodie and  tights I sat on the bed waiting for my door to  open. I was slowly counting the seconds and a particular unwanted guest came in.

"Hey More" he said and came  to me and pulled me into his arms. I could've hugged him back but this was a different story. This guy is basically betraying me. Lino you're about to face heaven and he'll at the same time.

"Whats wrong More?" He said faking a frown.

I just shrugged and looked the opposite direction. "Please whats wrong" he asked while poking my cheek. I honestly was fumming at his baby actions.

"Lino stop it" I said lowly enough for him but he still continued. He didn't listen and kept on poking my cheek.

I lost it and grabbed his finger and turned it backwards until I heard a satisfying  crack with Lino screaming on top of his lungs.

The guards rushed in ready to shoot but they only saw me looking at Lino deadly. "You're going to be in trouble against ma'am." Said one of them while  grabbing my hand and leading to the torture room.

"Bingo" I mentally said while walking towards the torture room.

This is the only place I can get information about that International War.


Now tied up to a chair unfortunately  they were waiting for their boss to arrive Liam while I was trying to listen carefully  to every conversation  happening here.

Nothing and absolutely nothing I was starting to give up on these guys knowing anything useful.

"Hey Josh , boss wants you to handle the shipment on the West it has some weapons for WW3." Said a bold guy who was smoking a cigarette.

"Good boy" I muttered now to get the information to Alex and the rest. But which west side now. There are 3 west.side.ports which every Mafia receives their loot from so which one.

"Make sure that  you talk to Big R before taking anything from the ship. He doesn't like unexpected   moves. And you don't want the boss angry" he added.

"Big R , western  side ,   WW3. But Big R that's a new name that they have to look into fast." I mumbled under my breathe.

"Well , well  , well. Princess got herself in trouble again hasn't she?." Said Mitchell. She apparently Liams fuck tool but I hate it when I have to deal with her. I honestly don't mind torture from anyone really  , but her no in bald letters.

"Nothing new Mitchy but I couldn't help miss you so i had to get myself in trouble." I said smiling at her sweetly. "You're the one tied to a chair but you have the guts to  talk to me confidently"  she said while lowering herself to my level first a staring contest.

I laughed and looked at her again. "So what I'm supposed to do?  keep my head bowed when I talk to you?" I asked with my brow raised. "I'm your queen in this building" she hissed. "Oh are you , why didn't you even invite me to the wedding. I would've  love to see your gown"  I said. "After all it  does in fact take a wedding  to be a queen and not a few days of fucking a Mafia mob at all." I said.

She frowned before landing a blow on my Jaw. "Gosh that hurt" I said. She kept on landing punches and kicks while I provoked her more.

After a while of her steaming off she finally looked back at me and I smiled. "I can't believe you fell for that Beauty"  I said her face showed a bit of confusion but she quickly masked it.

ZOYA   Where stories live. Discover now