A Nice Morning

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The next morning Bucky woke up still little, wrapped up in his mama's arms. He wasn't feeling as tiny as he had the day before but he definitely wasn't ready to be big yet. Although he felt much more normal than yesterday, he still wanted his mama nearby and he was grateful for the fact that Shield was required to give them all a certain amount of time off after a mission. The time he'd spent so far in his headspace yesterday had given him a much needed opportunity to prove to himself yet again that his mama could be trusted not to hurt him.

"Good morning, baby boy," his mama said when she noticed him waking all the way up, "You ready to get up?"

Bucky whined, nuzzling into his mama's chest. He didn't want to get up yet he just wanted mama to hold him. "Mama, cuddles?" He asked, looking up to give her the best puppy dog eyes he could muster up.

"How could I ever say no to that face?" she cooed, "You can have as many cuddles as you want."

"T'ank you, Mama," Bucky mumbled, dropping his head back onto the mattress to bury his face back in his mama's chest. He felt so safe and secure there under the cozy blankets with his mama holding him as close as she could. She was so warm and he knew that once he got out of bed it wouldn't be warm at all anymore. It was a chilly November morning, he didn't stand a chance.

Y/n let him stay curled up in her arms for another half hour giving him all of the back rubs and head scratches that he wanted. But as much as it pained her to make him get up, he could get diaper rash if he didn't get out of his wet pull-up soon. "It's time to get up, sweetheart," she said gently, sitting up from her place under the covers and pulling him to sit up with her. "You have to get out of that yucky pull-up soon or you'll get a rash." It had happened once before and he'd been miserable, she had no desire to see her little boy in pain like that again.

Bucky absolutely did not want to go and change. It was gonna be cold enough getting out of bed and then the baby wipes were gonna be cold and it was all just gonna be awful. What he really wanted was a bath. The warm water would feel much better than cold wipes. He was still a little nervous about letting Y/n bathe him, but now that he'd had time to process the last couple days he felt like he could handle it as long as Y/n made sure to listen to him. "Mama, don' wanna be changed," he said quietly, "I take a bath instead?"

"You can take a bath, do you want me to wait in the bathroom with my eyes closed like yesterday?" Y/n asked patiently.

Bucky shook his head, "Wan' Mama to help me."

"Alright, you let me know if you get scared or uncomfortable and I'll stop, okay?" The last thing Y/n wanted was for her baby to be afraid of her. His trust was still fragile, and she knew better than anyone that if she broke it right now, he'd never be able to open up with her again.

Bucky nodded his head and she picked him up, carrying him into the bathroom and setting him on the counter while she filled the bathtub. Once the water was nice and warm and there was a fair amount of it in the bathtub, Y/n helped Bucky get undressed and got him into the tub, letting him pick out a bath fizzy to add to the water. He picked the green one that smelled like apples and giggled at the way the water foamed up when he dropped it in. She let him play with the sweet scented foam for a little bit before picking up a washcloth and foaming it up with baby soap.

"I'm gonna wash your back now," she told him, "Is that okay?" Bucky nodded his head, leaning forward a little to make it a little easier for his mama. She continued on like that, asking him before she washed any part of his body in order to ensure he knew that he was in control. She wasn't going to do anything he wasn't ready for, and Bucky was incredibly grateful for it. As she bathed him she told him about how Sam and Steve were coming for breakfast and to spend the day all together and Bucky got excited. They were going to have so much fun today! He leaned back when it was time to get his hair washed and part way through he started getting upset. Something about being laid down and the water splashing on his head at the same time made him nervous and he sat up, telling his mama to stop.

Little Secrets, Little BuckyUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum