Temper Tantrum

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"I want Mama," Bucky whined out for what felt like the hundredth time, staring at Y/n longingly from his place at the kitchen table.

"Sweetheart, I told you Mama's very busy right now," Y/n said patiently. She was making chocolate ganache and if she walked away from the chocolate chips that she was melting on a double boiler then they could seize up and she'd have to start over. Normally she wouldn't be doing such a difficult task while Bucky was little, but the cupcakes needed to be made the next morning and the ganache needed to chill overnight. "Why don't you go play in the nursery?

"Don' wanna," Bucky whined, getting more and more frustrated.

"You can color a picture for Mama on your easel," she said, looking over at the upset little boy. He rarely got this upset when he was little, but then again there usually wasn't too much to be upset about when he had her undivided attention.

"No!" Bucky shouted. "Don' wanna color! I want Mama!"

"You're just gonna have to wait, baby boy," Y/n said, turning back to her chocolate. It would only take a couple more minutes to finish the last batch of ganache, surely he'd be fine until then.

"Don' wanna wait!" Bucky shouted again.Y/n didn't respond or turn around, knowing that a reaction would only make the tantrum worse. Bucky stomped his feet on the floor, and started yelling again. "I want my Mama!" He cried. "Want Mama to hold me right now!"

Y/n tried in vain to settle him down when she realized that he really wasn't going to stop. Apparently little Bucky was just as stubborn as big Bucky. "I understand that you want me to hold you, but I can't walk away from what I'm doing," she said in a calm, steady voice, still not taking her eyes off of the chocolate as she had reached a crucial point. "When the ganache is done I'll come pick you up and hold you for as long as you want."

Bucky saw red. He didn't want to wait until the ganache was done. He wanted Mama to hold him right this second. Why wasn't she listening? He felt angrier than he had in a long time and in his fit of rage he unscrewed his sippy cup and threw it, knowing that it would mess up the chocolate.

Y/n heard the sound of the sippy cup hitting the cabinet above the stove and watched in horror as the water made her chocolate seize up. "James Buchanan Barnes!" She said angrily. Bucky sat up straight and his eyes widened at the sound of his full name. "That was not okay. We do not throw our sippy cups, especially at other people." Bucky got a mad look on his face and opened his mouth to speak but Y/n silenced him with just a look before she kept talking. "You could've seriously hurt me, do you understand that? You could've hurt your Mama."

Bucky looked down at the table, even though he was still mad. He definitely wasn't trying to hurt his mama, he just wanted her attention. "You're in big trouble, mister," she said quietly. Bucky almost wished she was yelling, it might be less scary. "And when you get in trouble there are consequences. Get up and come stand in front of me." Bucky got up and trudged over to his mama, fully expecting to get slapped. Actually he'd be lucky if it was just a slap, he probably deserved a beating for this.

"Here, use this to clean up the water that's on the floor," Y/n said firmly as she gave him a dish towel. "Then I'm going to set a timer and you're going to sit in the living room corner in timeout for 20 minutes."

Bucky nodded, took the towel, and started cleaning up, confused as to why he hadn't been hit yet. He'd been a bad boy, this time he was absolutely sure of it. Maybe she was waiting until after his timeout. He almost wanted her to punish him more, maybe it would be better than the crushing guilt that he was feeling after almost hurting his mama. When he finished cleaning up his mama told him where to go sit for timeout so that she could start her timer. He saw his blankie that had been left on the table, but he knew better than to grab it. Bad boys don't get their blankies, especially when they're being punished.

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