Stupid Hunters

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After a while, Bucky finally relaxed. He was still insistent on staying in his mama's arms but she was more than happy to indulge him, and kept him as close as she possibly could. Eventually Sam had to get up from the couch to use the bathroom, allowing the depth of Bucky's anxiety to be revealed. Y/n watched as Bucky's face fell and he got off of the couch to go sit by the bathroom door. She moved to go and follow him but he looked at her fearfully. "No," he whimpered, trying to get his point across with his limited speaking ability as he pointed to the couch. "Mama no."

"You want Mama to stay on the couch?" She asked and Bucky nodded his head. She hesitated for a moment, wanting to comfort her baby, but she also didn't want to cause him any further distress so she sat back down. She watched as her baby stared at the door, waiting for his uncle to come out and tried her best to reassure him from her place on the couch that he would be out soon.

Sam walked out of the bathroom to Bucky sitting right outside the door, in fact he almost tripped on him. He looked over at Y/n, who looked incredibly concerned, and then back at Bucky. The little boy immediately reached for Sam, a few tears slipping down his cheeks, and sniffled. Sam didn't hesitate to pick him up, holding him tightly in an attempt to comfort the upset baby. "What happened little guy?" He asked quietly, running a hand up and down Bucky's back.

"Sammy," Bucky whimpered, sniffling again against his caregiver's shoulder. "No go."

"Oh kiddo," Sam cooed, carrying Bucky over to the couch where Steve and Y/n were watching with concern. "I'm not going anywhere, I promise. Uncle Sam just had to go potty."

Bucky nodded his head, but didn't let go of his uncle for another 15 minutes. He only released him when the timer went off and Steve told Bucky that he had to go pull the dinner that Sam had made earlier out of the oven. The anxious little boy immediately threw himself at Steve, violently shaking his head. "No go Stevie," he whimpered. "No."

"Buck, our dinner could burn," Steve tried to explain, helplessly looking at his sister. "I have to go get it."

"Bucks, how about we all go to the kitchen together?" Y/n suggested. Bucky nodded his head, reaching for his mama for comfort, and she didn't hesitate to bring him into her arms and hold him close. "I know baby, Mama understands."

"Mama," Bucky whimpered, relieved that she knew what was going on. Communicating was so hard when he was this little, thank god Mama could translate for him. "Mama, Sammy, Stevie, no go 'lone."

"Alright baby, we'll use the buddy system for now," Y/n reassured him, following her brother and Sam to the small kitchen. "Guys, from now on we're only leaving Bucky's sight in pairs, okay?" They nodded their agreement and Bucky relaxed, resting his head on his mama's shoulder. "Are you hungry, baby boy?" He nodded his head against her shoulder but when Steve offered him a plate of food he turned away, letting out a little whine.

"How about I make you a baba?" Sam offered, already grabbing one from the dish rack. Bucky gratefully nodded his head, and Y/n took him to the couch so that he could eat. The gentle reassurance while he ate went a long way into helping him settle and by the time his caregivers had all eaten their dinner, Bucky was feeling much better.

Before long they had figured out how to use the television in the living room and were curled up watching Cars. The baby was smaller than usual and so he didn't speak much while his uncles and his mama cuddled and cooed over him on the couch. He giggled at their silly jokes and babbled at them while they listened with their full attention. He was really only saying a handful of real words, but his mama and his uncles were still smiling softly at him and nodding along. It made him feel so small and loved, like nothing could touch him as long as his caregivers were there. Everything finally felt okay.

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