Chapter Thirty-One

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"So what brings you here?" Hercule sat on the couch next to me. His forearms were on his knees as he leaned towards Mrs. Hark. Her thick makeup seemed to drip off of her face from the hot Tennessee weather.

"My job as Nadia's social worker requires me to check-in; and, seeing that her foster parents are on trial, I felt the need to be here to support my charge." She passed me a toothy grin, her bright pink lips pulling back to reveal perfectly white teeth. If I were the one to decide her features, she would have stained teeth that were uneven or maybe even a couple that were missing. The choices were endless.

"Of course. How come we were not alerted that you would be meeting us at the house though? I assumed we would be meeting at the courthouse tomorrow afternoon." He was right like always. It seemed odd to me that she decided to check here, at the house where it all went down.

"I was in the neighborhood and saw a car on the driveway so I decided to come and see what was happening." She passed him a sly smile and twisted a tendril of hair around her finger.

"Bullshit." Léon slammed his hands down on the back of the couch.

"Lé-" Hercule turned before Gabriel stepped up too.

"No, he's right Herc. Why would she come here if she didn't want something? I saw her pass you more looks than the girl she is supposed to be here before. Something is up with her -" Gabriel turned from Hercule to Mrs. Hark "- and I plan on finding out sooner than later."

"Really? You think so little of me and just assume the worst? I assure you that I am doing as much as I can in my precarious position. I wasn't planning on having a surprise case with a brat in it after all." She stood up quickly, her black, bodycon dress seemed to be bursting at the seams. Grimacing I thought of all of the better ways she could dress. Ms. Ramirez never wore anything so tight-fitting, especially not when she was meeting with a child and her family.

"I beg your pardon; you did not just call my little sister a brat." Hercule began to stand and Mrs. Hark's eyes bulged. The rest of my brothers took Hercule's hint and began to close in on the unsuspecting lady.

"No - I -" She didn't have another chance before Hercule's hand was against her throat and she was backed against the wall, her pink claws scraping at his wrist.

"Hercule. Let her down." Matthieu approached Hercule slowly.

"No." My eldest brother's nostrils flared as he continued to hold my social worker by her neck. Her face was beginning to tinge red. I couldn't tear my eyes away. Alexandre and Armel sat down next to me on the couch, each grabbing one of my hands.

"So, Belle, was there any other room in the house you wanted to show us?" It was a solid yet fleeting effort on his part to try and change my thoughts. Shaking my head, he sighed.

Gabriel and Valentin joined Matthieu in his spot next to an enraged Hercule. Gabriel stared at the social worker before shifting slightly so his focus was on Hercule instead.

"Elle cache quelque chose. Appelez les hommes, je veux qu'elle soit interrogée."
(She is hiding something. Call the men, I want her questioned)
His eyes didn't leave her face as he continued to watch her futile struggle.

"Hercule on ne peut pas faire ça"
(Hercule we can't do that)
Matthieu tried to get passed my brother's layers of anger.

"Je m'en fiche!"
(I don't care!)
His eyes grew wild as he stared at my social worker. "Appelez-les maintenant."
(Call them now)

Tearing my hands away from my brothers, I pulled my knees to my chest and rocked back and forth, unable to pull my gaze away from Hercule and Mrs. Hark. My fingers began to tap rapidly on the back of my knees. This couldn't be happening. Not the day before the trial.

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