Chapter Forty-Eight

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Two months had passed since Annette's death and my return to France, yet I felt the weight of it each day. My brothers were no longer the strong men I had known, but men who let me see their feelings; men who let me comfort them because they had no one else.

Mama had returned to Spain with Carlos and Aria almost immediately, promising that they would return as soon as possible.

Only one person had stayed: the girl who I first saw with Hercule. She kept to herself in the secluded rooms and passages of our home; but, whenever I saw her, I was reminded of how her face was reminiscent of one I had seen so long ago.

The car rolled to a stop and Gabriel helped me out, giving me a sure smile as I entered the dance studio for our final rehearsal.

"Nadie!" Immediately, I felt small hands clutching my leg, holding on tight.

Laughing, I looked at the little girl, "Hi Sweet Pea, you ready for today's practice?"

The girl smiled at me, her face lopsided by the gruesome scars that marked it, "I was born ready!"

Bopping the girl's nose, I took her hand and led her back to where the rest of the girls waited, "oh yeah?"

As soon as I was in the room, everyone embraced the nervous atmosphere. It was no secret that today was the day before the show; they had been talking about it for the past two months.

Right after she passed away, I lost my motivation to dance. I wasn't ready to turn in my slippers and tutus for good; but for now, taking a respite seemed like the best way to cope without her watching me. I had used her passing as motivation too, investing my emotions into forging a small class that would help rekindle my love and passion, but also cultivate a love for dance in the next generation.

The small group moved in fluidity as they floated across the room in dizzying combinations time and time again. Each round of turns made my head spin, but the awe of seeing them work together was incredible.


Sadly, two hours later, the class was adjourned and I bid farewell to the girls.

"Miss Nadie, will we see you before the show tomorrow?" Lucie looked at me with her big eyes, her mom's hand held tightly in her own.

Bending down, I made eye contact with the girl, "I'm afraid not... I'll be arriving with my brothers." Lucie's face immediately contorted with a frown and I hurried to amend my statement, "however, after the event and show, I will make sure that I see all of you."

Lucie's eyes crinkled in the corners as she smiled, her face pulling and stretching in ways a child's face should never have to, "promise?"

"I promise on my pet donkey's life."

Her giggles broke through our conversation and she shook her head, "I'll see you tomorrow then Miss Nadie... and I know you don't have a pet donkey" she whispered the last part as I stood up. Shaking my head, I waved bye to her, making sure that her mom was acknowledged too.

"You have a way with them," I turned quickly, my long braids slamming into my opposite shoulder. It felt weird to be without the protection of my curls, but I knew that I needed to get the braids done before the event to ensure I had the time.

"Carlos! I thought you weren't going to be back until tonight!" He smirked at me, telling me that he wouldn't reveal his secrets. Huffing, I continued, "but seriously... do you have to scare me each time you see me?" Carlos gave me a crooked grin and offered an arm.

"No, it's just more fun that way." Shaking my head, I placed my hand in the crook of his arm and let him guide me from the building.

A few cars were left in the lot as we made our way to the limo, stopping to greet families and friends as we walked, "I can't believe that it's already tomorrow." My limbs were practically singing with the adrenaline from it all.

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