Chapter Thirty-Two

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I glanced at my brothers. I didn't have to do this... right? My fingers tapped my thighs. No, they couldn't make me do this.

"Miss Renaud if you could please make your way to the witness stand, it would be much obliged." The judge spoke softly yet his voice carried an undertone that demanded to be listened to.

"Go on bébé. Go make us proud." Matthieu leaned over, taking my hand and kissing it. Hercule nodded at me and gave me a small smile before directing his head towards the waiting groups of people.

Taking a breath I stood on shaky legs. I forced myself to pull my head up and walk calmly towards the witness stand even though every nerve in my body wanted to run, to flee. I had done enough of that in my lifetime though. Now was the time for me to shine and show the world who I was.

As I walked I realized that there was a second set of footsteps behind my own. Glancing over my shoulder, I saw one of my guards. He sent me a tight-lipped smile and picked up his pace so he was right over my left shoulder. "Just use your phone to communicate. If you feel the need to stop at any point tap twice on the desktop of the stand." 

By the time he finished his mini-set of instructions, we had reached the witness stand. His speech seemed to have helped me because suddenly, everything seemed a little less intimidating.

"Excuse me sir, but you need to exit the witness stand. This is Miss Renaud's time to share her information, please return to your seat. Thank you." The judge glared at my guard before turning to me. "Once this man leaves you can start, Dear."

"No can do; I am on strict orders to accompany Miss Renaud wherever she needs to go." My guard moved to stand over my left shoulder, his feet shoulder-width apart and his hands clasped in front of his waist. His thick French accent made him seem even scarier. 

"By whom?" The judge squinted his eyes at my guard. My guard however didn't even remove his eyes from the back wall.

"By me." Hercule stood up; his large figure cutting a menacing image. I glanced over to where my fosters were seated and immediately fought to contain my laughter. They both look like deer caught in the headlights. It seems that they were unaware of who my brothers were after all.

"I'm sorry sir-"

"I'm sorry too. Either my sister gets to keep her guard there or we all leave. Your choice, of course, Your Honor." The judge's eyes widened and he quickly looked from me to Hercule and then me again. The threat was subtle but it was still there.

"But of course Mr. Renaud." A mallet banged and all attention shifted to the judge. "I announce this court in session. Mr. Telm, if you could please swear in our first witness of the trial."

A weed of a man stood up. "Would you please spell your name for us?"

I took a breath and pulled my phone out. My typing had gotten much faster and it took me no less than a minute to type Nadia Renaud with dashes between each letter.

Our elderly judge looked at me then at the phone in my hand. "Miss Renaud you are not allowed to have your phone with you while this court is in session. Please hand it over so it can be searched after today's hearing." The man stuck his hand out towards me and I immediately moved to hand it to him... before a hand intercepted my phone and took it.

"Miss Renaud uses her phone as an accommodation to communicate, you will not be taking it."

The judge fumed. "I beg your pardon. Your rules do not apply in this court, this is my court so therefore it follows my rules. Now, Miss Renaud, your phone." He stuck his hand out towards me again and I took a step before Léon spoke up.

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