Chapter 18

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Aurora woke up well-rested and with a new purpose in her and to be the girl that she was in the past. After getting dressed and getting to the servant's quarters, she got her food and sat by her friends.

She greeted them as per usual and she could tell that her friends were confused by her change of pace and mind.

None of them fussed her or prob her and she was grateful for that, she did not feel like talking and the fact that they gave her space and an option to speak if she wanted to made her appreciate her friends.

"So are you still not in the mood to talk about, you know who?" Lucy asked.

"I'm afraid that there is nothing to tell from my side besides that I am dedicated to my work."

"I thought you were having issues with him," Agnes added.

"Nothing I can't handle."

"How is it serving him?" Ella asked.

"It's great and Princess Nadia is so beautiful, with grace and everything we are not."

They all burst out laughing at her statement, he friends had a good sense of humor. They sat there and chatted like their old selves.

When they were done, she went to Caspian's chambers, she was glad he was not there, she did not want to be part of his games anymore,

She was finished cleaning and ready to take the laundry to the washing room when Caspian walked in.

"Morning My Lord."

"Morning Aurora."

His voice dragged out and he must be having fun toying with her, and she was upset as to how she reacted when he called her name. He was pulling her in,

"If you may excuse me, my Lord."

"Not yet."

Aurora was surprised he had refused for her to go.

"Why the rush Aurora?"

The way he said her name made her a bit weak but she could not back down if she hoped to get all of this and him from her mind.

"I have other duties to tend to My Lord, and I have finished my chores in here."

"What are the other duties Aurora?"

"I have to take these clothes to the washing room."

"That won't take very long, I need you to keep me company."

Aurora's cheeks reddened from his words, she was shocked that he could ask her such a question but he was the prince and no was not in our vocabulary.

"I can request someone to perform for you My Lord."

"I can do that myself, I want you to entertain me."

Aurora gritted her, he really was a piece of work.

"Why are you looking at me like you want to kill me."

Aurora's face paled, "I could never My Lord, I was thinking of a way to keep you company but I'm afraid that I am not good with that."

"How do you know that you are not good at it?"

"Most find me tedious."

Caspian nodded his head, "Well we all have different tastes so I will have to draw up a conclusion myself based on how you keep me company."

Aurora didn't like this at all, she was supposed to get over him, and here he was toying with her bit by bit.

"Do you go horse riding?"

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