Chapter 63

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"No, she just left and you weren't here to protect her." Elliot snapped.

"When did she leave?"

"Two years ago, and no-one has heard from her." Elliot replied in a hurt manner.

"Do her friends know?"

"No, she was banished from interacting from us and they turned her into a servant. The last time I saw her, she had dark circles under eyes and did not look like the same Aurora I once knew."

Caspian clenched his fist, he walked back to his villa. He would not rest until he found her, he would search for her himself.

He sat there in so much torment, he had wanted to surprise her of his return after he looked a bit better so that she would not have to worry but that all was for naught.

As Caspian sat he tried to not think of the worst that could have happened to her, all he wanted was for to be alive even if it meant she had rewed and had a new life.

He just wanted to see her once, just once was enough for him to see her doing well. That was all that he needed.

There was a knock on the door, "Come in."

Rurina walked in, and he had forgotten about her completely.

"Do you need something done for you?"

Rurina shook her head, "No, I just wanted to see if you are feeling alright?"

"I have had better days but much better from where we came from."

"Makes sense."

"Have you had any lunch?"

"No, I was waiting for you."

Caspian called the guard and ordered him to bring him food for the two of them, when it arrived Rurina dug in but he did not have much of an appetite.

"Are you ill Caspian?"

"A bit."

"I have always dreamed about this day were you and I would enjoy a meal together with all the problems behind us."

"So did I." Caspian replied, everything he had gone through felt as if it was for naught if Aurora was not in it.

After eating Rurina talked some more with him as she tried to lift his spirits up. The next day he had a massive argument with his mother about him wanting to go and search for Aurora.

"I can't believe that little witch has still got you within her grasps."

"Don't call her that mother!"
"It is what she is, there was not one lie told!"

"You knew how much she meant to me, you knew! Yet you went ahead and banished her! Knowing that she had no power to fight for herself. I can only imagine what she went through!"

"Caspian, what is done is done, think about the future now. Aurora will fade away within good time."

"No she won't, she is the only reason I made it this long and came back, so I could come back and be in her arms."

"What of Nadia? Your wife?"
"I told Nadia I could release her from her title and she could re-wed but she decided to stay at her own will."

"That's not it, she loves you? Can't you see that?"

"If Nadia truly loved me she would not have helped you get rid of the one person in my life that gave me a will to live."

"Well you better start searching for a new one."

"Or I will find my reason, no-matter the cost."

"I won't allow it!"
"It's not a matter of allowing me mother, I am the king after all and I decided what is what."

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